Chapter 30: 'the burn'

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Everyone woke up. Confused about what is going on. Aaron was looking around the room to see if everyone was there and everyone was except JJ and Emily.

"Is everyone okay?" Rossi asked.

"Yeah fine. What the hell is going on?" Reid asked.

"I have no idea. But emily and jj aren't here" Aaron spoke up.

"What!" Will said in shock.

They were all getting up when they heard a noise thinking that it was either Em or JJ.

"Em, jj" derek spoke up.

" sorry to disappoint you" a man said as he came from behind the shadows.

Everyone sat there thinking about what he has already done to JJ and Emily, but Aaron couldn't sit there just not caring about where emily is.

"Where is Emily and JJ?" Aaron spoke up.

"Them two beautiful girls. There being taken care of. The proper way. If you know what I mean" the man chuckled.

"You sick son of a bitch" Aaron said as he got up and punched him in the face, making his noise bleed.

"Man your going to regret that" he said looking at the blood on his hand.

He walked out of the room and was gone for about 5 minuets, and no one spoke a word because Aaron knew that he shouldn't have done it.

The man came back down with a chair and another man came down holding Emily. She was unconscious.

"Alfie put her on the chair" the man said still patting his noise getting rid of the blood.

"Harry can you pass me the tape" alfie said as he grabbed it tying Emily to the chair.

How tight he was doing it, there was no way she was getting out, but she didn't know that as she was unconscious.

Everyone's faces, was shocked, emily has already been hurt, she didn't need anymore and she didn't need her family to go through it either.

{30 minuets later}

Emily woke up confused, scared and started to panic because she thought that james had got her again, even though he is dead.

"Em, calm down its okay I won't let anything happen to you" Aaron explained in a soft voice trying to calm her and showing her how to breathe again.

"What the fuck is going on?" Emily said looking around with wide eyes.

"Well I can help you there. But Aaron I don't think you can do anything, because Em is too irresistible and I just can't help myself" Harry explained, as he touched her chest.

Emily tried to fight and pull away but the tape was too tight.

"Just stop" emily screamed.

She didn't want to say that but she just wanted to it end and didn't want this to happen again.

"Don't touch her" Aaron said as he got up as he put his hand in a fist.

When Harry saw Aaron get up he grabbed a knife and held it to Emily's neck.

"I don't want to do this yet but I will Aaron. Don't test me Hotchner so sit back down or emily dies" Alfie explained.

Aaron sat back down looking at Emily, mining "I'm sorry" but she just shook her head saying "don't worry". She knew that he tried it was just the other two men had more dominance than the rest.

They were all sitting there when they heard a scream coming from upstairs. Will knew it was JJ so he ran up but Alfie grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the hand.

"Ahhhhhh you son of a bitch" will said as he screamed in pain.

Rossi grabbed a long cloth and wrapped it tight around will's hand to make sure he wouldn't loose too much blood.

"You are not going to JJ just yet. But hopefully she will still be alive when she comes down" Harry said with a smirk.

Alfie and Harry were setting out tourture tools and put duck tape over Emily's mouth. Alfie turnt on a Bunsen burner and heated a symbol.

"This may hurt but when you see this, it will remind you of this day" Alfie said as he brought it closer to her neck.

It touched her skin and Emily cried and tried to scream through the duck tape. Her eyes were watering because of the pain.

"THATS ENOUGH" Aaron shouted.

But Alfie ignored him and kept it on there until he smelt burning flesh. When he did he took it off but emily could still feel the pain like it was still on there.

"It's beautiful" Harry said as he touched it.

Emily cried because it still really hurt.

"Now it's JJ's turn, Alfie go get her" Harry said.

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