Chapter 25: 'irresistible'

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Emily could see Aaron on the concrete floor, he was just waking up and she started to call his name. When he woke up he didn't know where he was as he had been unconscious all of the way there.

"Aaron" Emily whispered.

The way he looked at her ad the way she was he was shocked and scared for her.

"Oh my Emily are you okay?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah fine I was more worried about you?" Emily said as she looked around making sure no one was around.

"I'm fine. Is it James that has done this?" Aaron asked.

"Well done Arron you figured it out" James said with a smirk as he walked out from a shadow.

How pissed off Emily and Aaron were they weren't going to go down without a fight. Especially Aaron because of the shit he has done to Emily. James walked over to Emily and just stood there looking at her.

"It's been a long time hasn't it em. We need to make up for all the nights we have missed"James said with a smile as he came closer and closer to Emily. Once he finally reached his amusement he started to play, like Emily was some sort of toy.

"Stop" Aaron shouted. He couldn't take it anymore, how could someone be so sick, he just didn't understand anymore. It was okay in his job as he didn't witness it actually happening but now being in that horrific zone, it's exactly how the victims say it happens, in slow motion. He just couldn't watch anymore and James hadn't even got started yet, he just loved Emily too much for him to hurt her, and it wasn't going to happen when he was there. Aaron would do anything he couldn't he just doesn't know if anything will be enough.

"No Aaron I will not stop! Emily is mine she is my property now and I can do what ever I like to her even this...." James said but as he finished he slapped Emily across the face leaving a mark.

"I know that Emily is beautiful I mean look at her. She's just so hard to resist. I find it hard myself, being around her all the time at work. It's just so hard to keep all my feelings locked up. I know what your feeling man but you don't need to do this. I'm sure if you ask her nicely without force she will like and go with it. Don't be rough be gentile, apparently she likes that, but if you do this you might never get a proper chance" Aaron said using his profiling skills.

It all went silent for a minuet. Aaron was thinking and hoping his explanation would or have worked. But by the look on Emily's face she was hoping aswell.

Unfortunately the trace they got lead to nothing so they were back and JJ was running back to Garcia's office to find out if she found an address yet was driving Garcia nuts. From the last time JJ left and came back in again it had only been 5 minuets. But JJ was finding out background on James but all of it seemed useless. He doesn't have a criminal record. Nothing was on him, it was just weird how he can suddenly change like this.

"I've got something!" Garcia screeched.

"Well... What is it?" JJ shouted being impatient.

"James turned on his phone for like a minuet and 40 seconds which was long enough to her a trace. We can make it in 5 hours so we have to go now!" Garcia said as she hurried JJ out of her office and Garcia followed.

Reid, Morgan and Rossi were all scanning over paper work when they could hear Garcia and jj running towards them.

"What?" Reid asked.

"We have an address" JJ explained.

"Let's go" Morgan said as he grabbed his coat and ran out to the elevator with the rest of the team, all hoping it was the right one.

It was still silent James hadn't said a word.

"Maybe your right Aaron, but as you said she is so hard to resist" James said as he continued to force Emily to kiss him.

But Emily went along with it as she moved her hands down to the back if her trousers she felt an object in the shape of a gun. She pulled it out slowly and held it tight, still kissing him she......

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