Chapter 19: 'the bitch fight'

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Reid was trying to figure out what was going on with Emily if it was true or not. But all the things Garcia was saying about Emily and how James couldn't possibly do anything like that. But Emily has been acting different maybe it was true. Well someone had to keep her safe when we return back to Virginia. Emily had been down all day since what happened on the plane well everyone knew why. Why wouldn't she be no one stood up for her but Aaron would have but they would suspect something.

{2 days later}

Finally they caught the man. It's like it went really fast I guess because Emily didn't want to go back to her apartment alone. But luckily they have there last night here and they go back in the morning to they decided to all go to a bar and emily promised herself she wasn't going to care for one night she was going to get drunk and She was going to try and forget everything that has happened because maybe everyone not knowing will be for the best.

They all turned up at the bar all wearing sexy outfits and hotch still in his suit.

"I will get the first round of drinks" Emily said getting up walking to the bar as she already knew what everyone wanted.

{1 hour later}

5 rounds of drinks had been downed and everyone was drunk emily went up for another round of drinks. As she went up a man came towards her and stood next to her.

"Hi beautiful" he said with a smile.

"Hey" Emily replied.

"Can I get you a shot?" He asked.

"Yeah sure thanks. By the way my name is emily" Emily explained.

"Such a beautiful name mine is Darren" Darren replied.

They grabbed there pink coloured shots and downed them. Then Emily brought the next round and within a bins of an eye they were gone.

"Where has me gone with our drinks?" Jj asked scanning the room.

Then they saw emily in a Corner making out with Darren.

"Woah prentiss" Morgan said with a grin.

Aaron turnt around to see emily all over that guy. Aaron didn't look pleased as he liked Emily and didn't want anyone else to be with her. Even though how selfish that sounds it was true.

Darren started to kiss Emily's neck. But as Emily opened her eyes she could see all of her friends looking at her but the one person that caught her eye was Aaron. He had a sad expression on his face but there was nothing she could do now she had already made out with Darren so she just carried on.

After 20 minuets emily made it back to her table.

"So em that was quite a show" Derek said as he laughed.

"Yeah looks like you get on with everyone but at least this one is true" Garcia said as she got up.

"Well at least some guy actually came up to me and had interest. Where as your man just pretends to like you so he can get to me and hurt me" Emily fired back.

"I can't believe you just said that. How dare you. Your turning into such a bitch Prentiss. Well at least I can have a steady boyfriend and he doesn't have to end his life to get away from me" Garcia shouted.

No words could come out of Emily's mouth. Not believing what Garcia just said even though it wasn't a suicide it was a murder.

"Gracia" jj whispered.

"How could you say that when you know what actually happened. You know what. Believe what you want okay but I told you the truth and I warned you. Forget about everything I never want to speak to you again" Emily said as she couldn't help herself from crying but she ran out so no one could see her.

"Em where are you going?"Darren said.

"Hey man I don't think she is the girl for you" Reid said as he went after Emily.

Spencer could see emily crying and sitting on the steps. He walked over to her and sat down and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"That was so out of order for Garcia to say" spencer explained to her.

"Just shows the dark spot that was hidden inside her" Emily said.

Everything went quiet and emily rested her head on Spencer's shoulder. He felt a wet tear hit his t-shirt. He knew emily wasn't herself because she was drunk but so was he which was unusual. Well he knew why as Derek poured more in his glass when he though he had finished.

He pulled Emily upright and moved in closer and closer and there lips touched.

Emily pulled away.

"I'm sorry I can't do this right now" Emily said as she stood up and walked away.

Crying and speed walking back to the hotel. Emily's sight went blurry and it blacked out as she fell hard and blood started flowing.

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