chapter 1

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April 2011.

"You need to fix your hair before you go on. It looks crazy." I said to Michael. I ran my hands threw his hair and ruffled it up a bit. "There, looks good." I looked over to Luke who was looking at me, my heart began to flutter but I pushed it away. "You too Luke. Your hair is a bit off. Come here and I will fix it." He got up from his chair and walked over to me; he had to bend down a bit due to the fact that I was tiny and he was tall. "You need water in it, c'mon follow me." I took his arm and led him into the tiny bathroom turning the tap on and getting water on my hands to put in Luke's hair. "Bend down." I said. He bowed his head so I could reach his hair and I started playing with it trying to make it look good. It was their first show so they needed to look awesome for it!

"That feels so good Hailey. Can you do this to me every day?" Luke asked.

"Maybe, if you beg hard enough."

"JUST KISS ALREADY!" We both turned and saw Michael and Calum standing in the doorway.

"Shut up." Luke said, "We have to go on now c'mon." Luke looked at me and then left to get his guitar. I made my way out to the floor so I could get good pictures of them. I was kind of unofficially the photographer for them. I got my camera out and waited for them to go on stage.

"Hello Sydney!!! We are 5 Seconds Of Summer!" Luke yelled into the mic before totally rocking out with the rest of the band. I got some decent pictures of the boys through the first half of the gig but then I got bored and made my way to the bar to get a drink. I ended up chatting with this guy about photography and other things. I ended up going home with him. I texted Michael telling him where I was and that I would see him tomorrow at school; he texted back saying that he would wait around with Luke to come get me in an hour.

"Hey I'm gonna have to get going, I have an early morning tomorrow." I said as I pulled the sheets off my body, I stood trying to find my underwear, I couldn't find it so I threw my dress on and stuffed my bra in my bag.

"Can I call you?" I turned around and looked at him; to be honest I couldn't even remember his name... I crawled on the bed and kissed him.

"If you find me again you can." I kissed him one more time then waited for Michael outside.

"So..." Michael rolled down his window "How was it?" I got in the back seat.

"Well, I mean, I couldn't find my underwear."

"Did you get his number?" Luke asked, you could hear the harsh tone in his voice.

"No, he asked for it but I didn't give it to him. He was like 23 too, he was old."

"What was his name?" said Luke.

"I don't know. Why do you care?"

"'Cuz he loves you." Michael said turning to face Luke.

"I do not shut up." Luke said hitting him in the arm.

Luke's girl.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz