chapter 5

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(This is my favourite chapter i've written so far! hope you enjoy!) 

“They are so cool.” Luke said when we got back into the car.

“See I told you you didn’t have to worry about anything.” I smiled at him and crawled into the very back. Since I was the shortest I always had to sit in the very back even though I wasn’t that short for a girl… at least that’s what I thought but apparently being 5’7 is still being tiny when you are with guys who are 6’ and over.

“I’m glad we have the rest of the week to just chill cuz I’m exhausted and this jet lag is kicking my ass.” Calum said.

“Oh man me too, I can barely keep my eyes open.” Said Ash.

 “It’s only 9. I feel old.” Michael chimed in from the front seat.

“Who’s room am I sleeping in tonight? You guys can fight over it and tell me when we get to the hotel, wake me when we get there.” I said closing my eyes and leaning my head on the window. I fell asleep in like five seconds and got woken up by Calum stroking my face.

 “Hailey, your with Luke tonight.” Calum said.

“Ok.” I crawled out of the car and followed the boys into the elevator. We all had to share rooms but there was one room that had one separate bed that was for one of us to sleep in by ourselves and since I slept in there last night it was someone else’s turn to sleep there. When Luke and I got up to our room we both flopped onto the bed and sat there in silence for a few minutes.

“Today was amazing.” Luke said, sitting up and resting his head on his hand looking over at me.

“Was it everything you imagined and more?”

 “It really was, it was such a dream come true.”

“I’m so happy for you guys.” I looked over at the mini bar and then looked back Luke. “Want to celebrate?” I sat up and walked over to the fridge.

“What do they have?” He asked.

“Well, they got some vodka, and beer.”

“Not much of a selection.” He said kneeling down beside me. “How about vodka?” I looked over at him smiling.

“I like the way you think.” I took out the 4 mini bottles of vodka from the fridge and tossed them on the bed. I took off my pants and put on some shorts and then threw on a hoodie. I unscrewed the cap of the vodka then looked at Luke.  “Cheers mate.” I took a big gulp of then coughed it burned going down but it a good way, it warmed me up from the inside.

“What was your favourite part of the day?” he asked. His head was leaning up on the headboard and I was at the foot of the bed.

“I’m going to have to say when Harry was chatting me up.”

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