Chapter 32

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I felt sweat gathering under my pits; gross I know but I was so nervous. The boys just got on stage and Emily was waiting to interview me. I turned down the hall and walked into the room she was sitting at. 

“Hi Hailey, I got you a tea.” She said pushing a cup closer to the empty chair across from her; I sat down and took the tea in my hands.

“Thank you.” I gave her a small smile and took a small sip. 

“Ok so I just want to get right into this. So the first question I have is for you to just tell me how you met the boys.” She took her phone out and started voice recording. 

“Uh, ok. Well Michael and I were friends back in year 4 and then we became friends with Calum in year 5 when he gave me a bite of his chocolate bar.” I laughed thinking back to that day. “We were like the three musketeers. If someone messed with one of us, all of us would team up to fight back. Michael and I were the closest though, we would have sleepovers all the time until my mom thought it was weird that a boy and girl were sleeping in the same room that were over the age of 7 and below the age of 22.” Emily laughed and so did I. “Anyways, Calum started hanging out with Luke but Michael and I didn't like him because he was like really smart. He was my age yet in Michael and Calum’s class so obviously we thought he was weird. Calum invited him over to my house one time though and we all just clicked; like it was like I found another member of my family.” 

“And when did you meet Ashton?”

“Oh well Michael had met him at a party once; Michael was the partier of the group, anyways he met him at a party and then he ended up joining the band. I met him a week before their first gig. I didn't like him the first time I met him, I thought he was a douche, turns out he’s like my older brother.” I smiled and took another sip of my tea. 

“So it sounds like you are all very close.”

“Oh ya. Calum was my first kiss, Michael was the first boy who told me they loved me, Luke was my first real boyfriend, Ashton hasn't given me a first yet but he still does a lot for me.” I giggled. 

“Can we go back to Luke for a second?” I felt a pit enter my stomach… ok play cool Hailey. “So you said he was your first boyfriend… is it awkward with him dating Aubrey Jones now?” 

“Well I mean… ya. It’s hard seeing the person you love love someone else.”

“So you love him?”

“Of course I love him, he’s family.” She sighed and wrote something down, I think I handled that well. 

“You said that Calum was your first kiss and that Michael was the first boy to say they loved you… Are you like a groupie for them?”

“Are you asking me if I have sex with them?” She cleared her throat. “Cuz I don’t. When Calum and I kissed we were 13 and it was at the first party any of us went to, and Michael told me he loved me because I was crying in his arms a week after my dad died.” 

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