chapter 3

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August 2012

 "WE ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH ONE DIRETION!" Michael and Luke yelled at me through their computer. They were Skyping me.

 "WHAT!!!!??? GUYS THAT IS THE MOST AWESOME NEWS EVER! When did that happen?"

 "They emailed me last night." Luke answered.

 "Luke that is... wait, I'm not going to see you guys for like what...  9 months? I cant be away from you four for that long!" Luke's phone began to ring.

 "Holy shit it's their management... I have to go hold on." He got up and went to his room to talk on the phone.

 "Hailey, we asked them if we could bring you... as our hair stylist! They are telling Luke right now if you can come or not."


 "Ya of course!"

 "Mikey! I love you so much!"

 "I was thinking about it last night and I was thinking that you and Luke are finally almost to the point of confessing your love to each other that we couldn't just rip you away from him for 10 months. Plus I would miss my best friend a lot."

 "Shut up. We aren't confessing our love cuz it isn't mutual! He has had three girlfriends this year alone." I whisper yelled.

 "That's just because he's too much of a pussy to say how he feels for you."

 "You know with all this 'oh he loves me' shit that you are saying... I've never had any proof that he likes me let alone love me."

 "Trust me he does. Ok stop talking he's coming back."

 "Did you tell her?" Luke asked Michael.

 "Oh I told her."

 "Luke, what did they say?" I asked. I was sitting on the edge of my seat bouncing my leg up and down.

 "Well, THEY SAID OF COURSE! WE ARE LEAVING IN FEBUARY BITCHES!!!" Luke screamed and got up and started jumping up and down; Michael and I joined. I heard a knock on my door so I grabbed my computer and ran down the stairs still screaming. I swung open my door to see Ashton standing with Calum.

 "BITCH WE ARE LEAVING IN FEBUARY TO TOUR WITH THE BIGGEST FLIPPING BOYBAND IN THE WORLD!!!" They both started screaming and jumping on my front porch.

 February 2013

 "And this..." Frank the head of security said "Is your tour bus." We all dropped our bags and ran into the bus screaming with excitement like little kids.  "Guys, your bunks are at the very end of the bus and Hailey, you get the bedroom."

 "Awe sweet! A room to myself."

 "Now, with this bus comes responsibility, all eyes are on you guys now. You have to behave yourselves. You are also sharing this bus with 3 other people who will be keeping you in check. No girls allowed on this bus ok? I don't know if any of you are in any kind of sexual relationships with each other but please keep it to a minimum or at least respect other peoples needs things like that. Meaning don't be keeping everyone up later than they should be. That involves playing video games or just being too rowdy at night. Understood?" We all nodded our heads. "Ok good, we leave in an hour so say your last goodbyes and make sure you have all your bags and needs."  I turned to Calum and smiled so big at him.

 "Can you believe this is happening?"

 "I really can't. This is such a dream come true."

 "Holy shit Hailey! I'm bunking with you!" I followed Ashton's voice to the room that was dubbed mine.

 "If one of you guys wants to sleep in here one night then I'll switch beds with you. Or you know... if one of you wants to get a bit freaky..." I wiggled my eyebrows at no one inparticular. They all laughed like I was making a joke. "I'm not joking. It's bound to happen. We are all hormonal teenagers who are living a dream and lets be honest... I've kissed half the band." I looked at Michael remembering our kiss in his kitchen then I looked at Calum remembering our kiss when we were 14.

 "Umm you made out with my neck at Michaels party, so like you kissed 2 and a half of us." Ashton added.

 "Any ways what I'm saying is that I will take one for the team and let you guys take out your hormones on me. It's the price I'm willing to pay." We all laughed. "I just want to make it clear though that I in fact do encourage you guys to come cuddle me most nights though."

 "Obviously." Luke said. "We all know how needy you get when you're tired."

 "Or drunk..." Added Ashton.

 "Oh don't even get started on how cuddly you guys are! Michael is always cuddled on top of someone." I said while walking out of the bus to our parents.

 "Aye! Leave me out of this!" Michael said. After we said our goodbyes one last time we loaded all our things onto the bus. It was a 5 hour drive to the airport so we were all going to sleep on the way there then we had a long ass flight through the night to England. We chatted a bit with the other people on the bus who were going to be spending the next 10 months with us then we got ready for bed. We were all pilled into my bed with me in the middle and 2 boys on each side of me. Ashton got his phone out and opened up Keek.

 "Hey guys Ashton here, uh just wanted to say we are on the road and we are all super excited about the future and we are all currently cuddled in Hailey's bed!"

 "I have the best friends in the world and I love them so much!" I said.

 "And Hailey gives the best cuddles." Luke said wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled then waved bye to the camera. We all fell asleep in a huge pile on my bed.

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