Chapter 23

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I woke up in bed alone; looking around the room and letting out a sigh, I looked at the clock at it read 7am. Breakfast with the crew was at 7:30 so i got up and changed and made sure all my things were packed. I noticed Luke's suitcase wasnt anywhere to be seen. Right as i reached for the doorknob to open the door, someone knocked on it. 

"Hey Hails." Michael said with a cute little smile on his face.

"Goodmorning Mikey." 

"You and Luke ready?" I let go of the handle of my suitcase and ran my hand through my hair. 

"I have no clue where he is, we got in the dumbest fight last night and I woke up alone."

"What did you fight about?"

"About me swimming with Harry last night." Michael let out a loud laugh.

"That is so stupid! Why did he get mad about that?" 

"He was drunk and jealous, his emotions got the best of him." My stomach growled. "Let's go down now, i'm starving." I followed Michael down the hall to the elevator where Ashton and Calum were standing. 

"Where's Luke?" Ashton asked. Before I could answer Calum spoke.

"He's in my room." He gave me a small smile. "He's gonna meet us down there."  We all piled into the elevator going down to the restaurant that was in the lobby of the hotel. Ten minutes later Luke came down and sat at the other end of the table eyeing me every once in a while. Near the end of the meal he got up to go to the bathroom and I got up after him. 

"Luke!" I was speed walking down the hall to try to catch up to him and his long legs. He didn't turn around; he just stopped walking. "Luke what the hell is wrong with you?" I took his shoulder in my hand and turned him around so he was facing me. "Why are you acting like such a child for?" He took in a sharp breath.

"Becasue I'm mad at myself ok? I was stupid and I'm mad that i made myself look like a dick infront of you!" 

"I'm not mad at you." His shoulders fell and he looked more relaxed. "Sure it was like, not what i expected you to do but it was how most guys would react. Besides," I stepped closer to him and ran my hands up his shoulder. "It was hot seeing you possevive." He laughed and pulled me in to him bending down so he could kiss me. "And you look really hot but also really cute and cuddly right now and it's making me want to do things to you." I kissed him again. 

"I'm sorry." I pulled out of him and tucked my hair behind my ear. 

"Don't be. Now go pee and come back and stop ignoring me, ok?" 

"Ok." He smiled and turned around walking down the hall. 


"I'm going to miss you!" Harry said hugging me. 

"It was an awesome few months! And I'll be back soon!" I pulled out of the hug and turned to hug Niall.

"It's going to be a long two months without you making me laugh every minute." 

"Awe you have Harry... wait he isn't funny..." I looked over at Harry and he had the most hurt look on his face. "I'm joking! You're almost funnier then I am... almost..." 

"Well," Ashton said. "LA here we come!"

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