Chapter 34

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‘I’m sure by now you’ve read the article Emily Riles wrote so this shouldn't be a surprise for you. We want to Skype with you tonight to discuss the decision we made. -Lisa.’

I read the text again and racked my brain; I haven’t gotten my hands on a copy of the magazine Emily wrote the piece for. I jumped out of bed making Luke confused; and ran to the front of the bus to talk to the driver. 

“I need you to stop at a gas station.” 

“Today’s your lucky day, I need gas anyways.” He looked back at me and smiled then looked at the road again. “We should get to one in about five minutes.” At sure enough five minutes later I was running across the parking lot in my pyjamas and into a corner store to grab a magazine. I walked over to the cash and put the magazine, the Oh Henry bar and the coke on the counter. 

“That’ll be $6.35.” The old lady that sounded like she smoked 10 packs a day said. I handed her the money and ran out and back to the bus. 

“What the hell was that?” Luke asked as I ran past him and to the little table; taking a seat I opened the magazine and found the piece that Emily wrote. I skimmed the first paragraph and didn't see anything bad in it; she actually did a good job with explaining each boy. I read the second paragraph and started to get a nervous feeling in my stomach. 

“Are you shitting me?!” I yelled after I read the whole thing. 

“What is it?” Luke asked annoyed. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Luke’s yelling had gotten the attention of the other boys and now all of were in the main room of the bus; all of them staring at me. I picked up the magazine again and read:

“The 5SOS boys have a good tour family; all of them very friendly and quite funny too, I instantly felt at home with the bunch. Luke Hemmings' girlfriend, Aubrey Jones of four months was there as well; there have been rumours that their relationship is fake and a publicity stunt to get Aubrey the media to get her debut album the press that she certainly needs. I cannot confirm or deny if this is true but I can say that if they really are dating (I personally do not think that they are) Aubrey does not know the first thing about Luke; when asked what her favourite thing about Luke was she answered ‘He’s really hot and has nice green eyes.’ Every teenage girl on the planet knows that Luke has blue eyes. Along with not knowing the colour of her boyfriends eyes, Aubrey just seems too, pushy with the relationship; I noticed that where I turned my head she would stop touching him but right when I looked back she was all over him. Luke on the other hand did not seem the least bit interested in Aubrey; he seemed very distant and quite sad actually. The only time that I saw him being real and happy was when one of his band mates would crack a joke or if their hair dresser and long time friend, Hailey was in the room. Hailey also happens to be Luke’s ex-girlfriend, they broke up for personal reasons and a few weeks later Luke and Aubrey started ‘dating’. I personally think that Hailey and Luke would be a better couple.” I looked up from the magazine and saw Luke’s face that was showing no emotion. “She goes on to write a whole paragraph about me.” I picked up the magazine again. “When I sat down and talked to Hailey she told me that she has known the boys for a long time. I asked her some questions about them.

How did you meet the boys?: Well Michael (Clifford) and I have been best friends since fourth grade then we became friends with Calum (Hood) in 5th-Calum started hanging out with Luke but Michael and I didn't like him because he was really smart; being my age but being in Michael and Calums classes. One day he (Calum) brought Luke over to my house and all of us just clicked. I met Ashton (Irwin) a few years later when he joined the band. 

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