chapter 22

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It was April 20th and it was the last show before we go to LA for a month for writing. We were in Manchester and the boys were all antsy to get to LA but they were also sad to be leaving the tour for a while. I was sitting in Harry’s hotel room while the other boys were out at a party. I was too tired to go out and Harry just didn’t feel like partying. We were watching Love Actually because Harry insisted that we watch it because I’ve never seen it before.

“Harry I don’t like this movie.” I whined.

“What? How can you not like this movie? It’s so good.”

“No its not, I fell asleep like five times already.”

“Fine.” He huffed sitting up and turning off the tv making the room dark. He got up and turned on the lights then sat down on the bed again. “What do you want to do then?”

“I want to go swimming.”


“Why not?” I sat up.

“Because there’s going to be pictures and everyone will think we are dating and it’s just too much drama.”

“Please?” I pouted my lip. “No one will think anything of it and if they do at least we all know what is really happening. I’m happy with Luke and I don’t like you like that.” Harry thought for a moment then picked up the hotel phone.

“Hi, can you tell me if anyone is at the pool area right now? No? Ok awesome. Thank you so much.” he hung up the phone and looked at me. “Go get changed then, I’ll meet you at your room.”

“Yay! Ok.” I got up and ran out the door and to the elevator; my room was two floors below Harry’s. Three girls were in the elevator when I got in and they all squealed.

“Oh my god Hailey! Is Luke with you?” I pushed the button for the floor below mine to make sure they didn’t know where our room was.

“No he isn’t, I’m alone here.”

“Oh ok, can we get a picture with you?” I nodded my head and took a few pictures until the elevator got the floor I didn’t want to go on.

“Ok, this is me, see you later.” I waved goodbye to them and turned the corner waiting for the elevator doors to close before I went back and got another elevator. Ten minutes later Harry was knocking on my door. “I’m so excited. I haven’t been swimming in like, a year.”

“You were in Australia for 3 weeks.” Harry said as we got into the elevator.

“Ya and two of those weeks I was in a hospital.” I clicked the ground button. When we got down to the ground floor there was a huge group of girls outside the hotel screaming when they saw us walking. “Do you ever get used to this?”

“Nope. I still think it’s weird.”

“Luke thinks it’s terrifying.” I laughed. “He always grabs me when they scream at them.” I pushed open the door to the pool and the smell of chlorine hit me like a brick wall. “Holy shit that’s strong.” There were three people in the pool but luckily it was a little family; a mum, dad and a little baby. I smiled at them when we walked past and the little baby smiled at me. “You have the cutest kid I have ever seen.”

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