Chapter 31

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I checked the time on my phone; 8:26am. I opened my laptop and sat waiting for the call to come from management. 

“Ok, I’m going down to breakfast now. You sure you don’t want to come eat something?” Luke asked. I decided not to tell him about what Michael ha told me the night before. 

“Yeah I’m sure. If I get hungry I’ll just order room service.” He walked over to me giving me a light kiss on the lips before pulling away and giving me his adorable yet sexy side smirk. 

“Ok, I’ll see you soon then.” As soon as he stepped out of the room my computer started ringing; I composed myself before pressing answer. My screen proceeded to show two middle aged women; all of whom I’ve met before but didn’t remember their names.

“Hello Hailey.” One of the women said. “I’m Lisa but I’m sure you remembered that.” I smiled and nodded my head.

“Yes of course. I don’t have too much time, we have to be at the arena in an hour.” I said trailing off.

“Yes right. Well, as you know Emily Riles is going to be getting there today;” I must have shown some confusion on my face because Lisa sighed and sat up more straight. “The journalist that is going to be touring with you for the next week… Anyways; we need to make sure that you won’t be showing any affection towards Luke Hemmings. Aubrey Jones is there for the sole purpose to get more attention from the media and we don’t need more drama and hate going towards her due to the fact that Emily sees you and Luke being more of a couple then Luke and Aubrey. If anything of that nature is to happen then we will need to punish you somehow.” I was taken back by that last comment she made. 

“With all respect I’m not a dog that chewed up a couch; I don’t think that you will need to ‘punish’ me if Emily thinks that I have more of a connection with Luke then Aubrey does, after all I am the one who is dating Luke.” 

“Yes we understand that but this is a band matter, we don’t need personal issues getting involved in it.” She paused for a second. “I trust everything is going well between you two?”

“As good as it can I guess. She’s kind of a; excuse my language but she’s a bitch. She tried to break Luke and myself up and she gives me attitude. I don’t know about you but I don’t like being treated like, like a slave.” 

“Right, and how are the boys getting along with her?”

“From what I’ve seen they avoid her.” 

“Well as long as their not ganging up on her. We don’t need her giving the band a bad name.” 

“Also if I can add one more thing.” The other lady said. “Emily is going to be keeping a very close eye on the band this week so we are going to ask you to obey these rules we have for you. If you could get a pen and paper that would be great.” I hated her already. I got up and grabbed my notebook and a pen out of my purse. 

“Ok.” I said sitting back down.

“Ok well for one, we need you to be going on the other bus, Aubrey will be taking your bunk while Emily is here.”

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