Chapter 15

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My week of hell was over and I was finally back to my normal self. We were in Liverpool and the boys had their first radio interview. I was lying in bed on the bus while the boys were already at the radio station; I had the radio show playing on my computer. Luke was texting me and saying how they were all nervous; the radio show came back on from eh commercial.

“Welcome back, here in the studio with me this morning is 5 Seconds Of Summer! Welcome boys.”

“Thank you.” It was Ashton talking, I thought it would go like this, Ashton was always the one to handle talking to people.

“So good to have you boys with us today, how are you all doing?”

“We are all pretty good I’d say, well rested, a bit hungry though, we had to skip breakfast.” I laughed to myself because only Ashton was talking.

“Starving actually.” Luke this time.

“That’s not good! You’re growing boys!”

“I know!”

“Ok so lets get down to business. You are currently touring with One Direction, how is it?”

“Oh man, it’s amazing, I think as a band, it’s everything we have ever wanted.”

“So you have been a band for how long? About a year or more right?”


“So introduce yourselves and tell us what instrument you play because you guys all make your own music, you each play an instrument. So go around the table and introduce yourselves.” They all said their names and what they played, Michael was so awkward I couldn’t help but giggle. They went on to tell about how they became a band and what inspires them and what not. “Ok so now I have here some questions that fans sent for you guys.”

“We have fans?” I heard Cal say in the background.

“The first one is from Melanie, it says ‘I love the band so much! You are all so so handsome. I wanted to know who is single and who is taken. Love you!’ So, what is the answer to Melanie’s question?” My heart sped up a bit, we hadn’t talked about what he was going to say if someone asked him. “Luke is blushing, I think I know what that means.”

“Uh, I am the only one that is taken.” Luke said, I could hear the smile through his voice.

“So you are the only one with a girlfriend?”

“Yes sir, I have a very beautiful girl who is listening in right now from back in the tour bus.

“HI HAILEY!” Ashton and Michael yelled. I felt my cheeks grow hot.

“Do you boys like Luke’s girlfriend, Hailey it is?”

“Ya she’s alright I guess.” Calum said.

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