Chapter 29

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It’s been five days since Luke told me he cheated on me. Five days of not talking to him, five days of not sleeping beside him; and let me tell you, once you get used to sleeping beside someone it’s really hard to fall asleep by yourself. So basically,it’s been a terrible five days. And today is also the day that Aubrey gets here to spend the next week with us! Yay! I was about to have a mental breakdown because of all the shit happening. The journalist; Susan Lake, was getting here tomorrow to tour with the boys so Luke and Aubrey have to pretend that they are this one cute and happy couple. I honestly don't know if Luke has it in him to do that, he’s been as miserable as me.

“Hails! Ready to leave?” Ashton yelled to me. I was sitting in my room on the bus blocking out reality by reading a book. I heard my door slide open and he walked in and sat on the foot of my bed. “Whatcha reading?” He asked.

“It’s called the Fifth Wave.” I said blankly.

“What’s it about?” I looked up from my book and put it down sighing. 

“It’s about an alien invasion and the girls like journey through it I guess… I’m only like half way through it so I don’t know that much about it.”

“Can you read it to me?” He crawled up beside me and put his head on my shoulder. “It will take my mind off of the fact that two of my best friends who are in love with each other won’t even look at each other.” I looked down at him and gave him the stink eye. “What? It’s true. You’re not the only one that is hating this you know. It’s awkward as hell.” I let out a breathy laugh.

“Fine. But you’re going to be confused.” 

“Confused about what?” Calum asked walking into the room.

“Hailey’s going to read to me.” 

“Yaay!” Calum jumped on the bed and called for Michael and Luke to come in. My heart stopped when I saw Luke poke his head in the door. “Hailey’s going to read to us, come sit.” I rolled my eyes; it was like being friends with seven year olds. Michael and Luke both came and sat down on the bed, Luke sat there awkwardly with his hands in his lap. His eyes met mine and a little smile tugged at the corners of his mouth; I looked down and smiled and then quickly pulled my book up in front of my face. 

“You’re all going to be confused but… whatever.” I put the book in my lap and started reading. “‘We’re here and then we’re gone, and it’s not about the time we’re here, but what we do with the time.’”


“Hey guys!” I hated her already. Aubrey walked into the room with her stupid head held high and her long brown hair sitting perfectly on her stupid head. “Hi Luke.” She blushed and hugged him then went to each boy and hugged them like she’s known them for years. 

“Hi Aubrey.” Luke said. He looked over at me and once again I only found sadness in his eyes. 

“And who is this?” She asked pointing at me. 

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