Chapter 24

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May 20 2014

"Do you have everything?" Mum asked handing me my passport.

"Ya I think so." I looked down at the two suitcases in my hands.

"Hey, there's nothin to worry about." She put her hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me towards the front door. Let me fill you in on the past year; after the TMH tour ended I went back to Australia while the boys did more traveling and shows and writing. I obviously still talked to them all the time but after about three months of not seeing them their management decided that they (Luke) needed a girl in his life to get the band more publicity since they weren't with One Direction anymore. So Luke started 'seeing' this chick named Aubrey Jones who lives in LA and is trying to become a singer. They would get 'caught' going to movies together at least 1 a month. I knew it wasn't anything to be worried about since I was talking to Luke the whole time this was happening.

"They want me to kiss her." Luke told me one night over the phone.

"Oh... Uh, how do you feel about this?"

"Baby, I obviously don't want to do it. I don't want to do any of this."

"Can't you tell them that? I mean it's your life." I was trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

"I know." The line went silent for a moment.

"What are you thinking?"

"That I don't want to tell you what I'm about to..." He took in a sharp breathe. "Hail, they want to still be seeing her when the tour starts up again."

"No. That's not gonna happen. I will call them myself and kick all their asses if they think that's gonna happen." My fists were clenched and I my heart was pounding.

"I told them no but they won't listen! God I hate them." That was last month and he was still 'seeing' that bitch. I was a nervous wreck about going back for many reasons, 1. I had to hide my relationship with Luke. 2. I had to see Aubrey and meet her in real life and Ashton told me that she actually likes Luke and it's obvious. 3. There were pictures everywhere of the two of them kissing and 4. Luke had to make up a bullshit story about why we broke up and that story was because I liked someone else.... So ya, I wasn't excited to go back. I was flying into Ireland and meeting the boys their the day before the concert. I found the man holding a piece of paper with my name on it instantly.

"Hi, I'm Hailey." I smiled at him and he returned one back.

"Let me help you with your bags." His accent was super thick and kind of hard to understand, but then again my accent came back and was really thick also. "The hotel is only twenty minutes away." I nodded my head and got into the back seat. I got out my phone to check all the messages I got while being on the plane; I had 8 messages. I read Luke's first.

'Hey baby! You should be landing soon! I'm so excited to see you it's unbelievable Xx'

'The boys and I have a surprise for you :-) '

' AAAAHHH you should be here in like an hour!!! I'm so happpppyyyyy :-)'

I smiled and replied telling him I would be there soon. I opened up the texts from Ashton next.

'Hails, can you ask your driver to get us some beers???'

'Nvm up I went out and got some.'

'Oh hey, you should be here soon. That's cool.'

'Ok we have the coolest thing for you so HURRY YOUR BUTT UP AND GET HERE!!!!'

Next I opened up the texts from Michael.

'Hey bbg. I think I'm more excited to see you them Luke is... No that's a lie he's jumping up and down right now.'

The text had a picture of Luke attached to it of him with a huge smile on his face. I decided to be a little cheeky and tweet out something controversial.

'Distance makes the heart grow fonder :)' My twitter blew up with people asking me if Luke and I were dating again. I giggled and out my phone away.

"What's so funny?" My driver asked. I took a deep breath and smiled.


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