chapter 7

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“You guys are extremely chilled out to be going on stage in front of thousands of people in a few minutes.” I said.  We were all back stage sitting in the change rooms.

“I want to vomit.” Luke said.

“You guys are going to be kick ass! And tonight we are celebrating big time!” The 1D boys invited us to a party tonight that’s supposed to be huge. “Plus you all look awesome so that’s a plus.” I looked at my phone to check the time; the boys were due on stage in 7 minutes. I stood up and grabbed my bag. “Ok, I’m gonna head to my seat, I’ll probably be there the whole show so see you guys after.” I gave each boy a big hug and wished them luck then I had a security guard show me to my seat.

“I’ll pick you up after the show, wait here till I come get you.” He told me. I nodded my head yes and thanked him; I sat down and waited for the boys to come out. When the lights dimmed the whole arena yelled so loud. I stood up and started cheering. The lights turned back on to show all four boys standing with their instruments. They started playing the open for ’Lost Boy’ and the crowd screamed even louder. I was texting the boys during the show and also taking some pictures of them. When they got off stage my phone was buzzing.

“Hello?” I yelled into the phone, even though no one was on stage it was still super loud.

“How did we do?” It was Michael but I heard other voices in the background.

“Oh my god I am speechless. It was so good!”

“You’re not being a sarcastic asshole?” It was Calum this time.

“Would I joke about this? You guys were amazing.” I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a girl standing behind me with a smile on her face. “Hold on guys one sec.” I turned to the girl. “Hi… can I help you with anything?” I asked awkwardly. I heard Ash ask who it was.

“Your Hailey right?” She asked.

“Yes I am.”

“Can I get a picture with you?” My eyes grew in surprise.

“Uh sure thing. But before we do, do you have me mistaken for another Hailey cuz I don’t see why you would want a picture with me…” I heard Ashton yell into the phone again.

“Who wants a picture with you Hailey?!!?” Ash yelled. I smiled at the girl and told her to hold on for a second.

“Ash shut up! I’m talking to one of your fans and she wants a picture with me.”

“OH MY GOD YOUR TALKING TO ASHTON?!?” The girl yelled.  I nodded my head and handed her my phone, she looked at me like I was crazy but grabbed the phone anyways. She proceeded to scream into the phone and jump up and down; we attracted lots of attention. She handed me back the phone. “Luke wanted to talk to you again.” When she handed me back my phone I noticed her hand was shaking.


“Who the hell was that and why was she screaming.”

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