Chapter 27

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“We have a meeting today at lunch.” Luke said, we were on tour now for two weeks and I things weren't going as planned; Luke was being distant and he wasn't telling me why. “Do you want me to bring you back lunch?” I nodded my head and smiled.

“Pizza would be lovely.” 

“Did I hear someone say pizza?” Michael called from his bed.

“Ya, you guys are getting it for me after your meeting.” I yelled back. I laughed hearing him and how excited he got. “So, what’s the meeting about?” 

“They haven't told us, but they said it was good news and we should be excited for it.” He was on his phone not looking at me. 

“Well that’s good then.” I thought for a moment about what it could be but I didn't get to any conclusion so I dropped it. “So… when do I get to meet your new girlfriend?” I knew she had to get here sometime and I was dreading it. Luke sighed and put his phone down.

“How many times do I have to tell you to drop it?” He stood up fast and grabbed his phone. 

“I’m just trying to make a shitty situation better. God Luke, what the hell is wrong with you? Ever since the tour started again you’ve been so distant. You’re barely acting like yourself anymore.” 

“That’s not true.” He said back.

“Oh it’s not? You barely touch me! I can count on one hand who many times you’ve kissed me in the past two weeks!” Luke bit his lip and looked at the ground for a second then back up at me; his eyes were filled with anger and sadness. “I just want to know what’s happening. Just talk to me.” I got up and put my hand on his chest; he tensed up under my touch. “Just let me in. Tell me what’s wrong.” His eyes met mine and all the anger was gone, now it was only sadness. 

“I can’t.” And with that he walked out of my room and out the bus. I sighed and walked to Michael's bunk pulling back the curtains; he had his headphones in and he was playing a game on his computer. 

“Want to cuddle?” I asked. He looked up from his game and pulled out one ear bud.

“I didn't hear what you said but I'm busy playing this game.” He put his earbud back in. I walked to the tv room where Calum was; he was feeling kind of sick so he was lying on the couch watching a movie pilled under blankets. 

“Hey Cal.” I said sitting on the couch opposite him. 

“Hey Hails. I heard what happened… cuddle?” He opened his arms up so I went over to him and snuggled in beside him under the blankets. We watched the movie for a bit but I couldn't stop thinking about Luke and that it had to be my fault that he was acting so distant towards me.

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