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The trio hopped out of the bus with gusto. They stayed close together as to not get separated as they head to the cafeteria for the first day assembly.

Pidge walked between Hunk and Lance so that she wouldn't get lost. She disappears into large crouds easily because of her small size.

The three reached the double doors leading to the cafeteria. The nearly 500 kids who went to the school for some reason had not had the idea to open the other door. All of the students in front of them were very slowly trying to go through one door in single file.

When they finally got to the doors, Hunk opened the other one causing all of the kids behind them to pick up speed and suddenly they were all in the cafeteria.

Hunk led Lance and Pidge to the row of bleachers designed for the seniors to sit. They sat near the back along with almost all of the other seniors. All of the oldest people knew that the wall at the back was covered in dust and spider webs, but they all wanted to be cool by sitting near the back. Because of this, there were 3 rows packed with about 100 kids, and 3 almost completely empty ones.

Lance tapped the other two pointing to a few rows of bleachers covered in some younger looking nervous kids. "Look guys, it's the freshies!"
Hunk and Pidge smiled and awed adoringly.
Lance scanned the croud of seniors looking for his other friends. He spotted Romelle from across the cafeteria. He waved for her to come over.
Romelle was a fairly tall, blonde haired girl. She was very energetic and sweet. Her and Hunk got along very well.
Lance also saw Hunk's girlfriend Shay walking towards them. Shay quickly took the spot on Hunk's lap while Romelle squeezed in between Pidge and Lance.
Lance continued to scan the crouds for friends. He unfortunately noticed Allura and her boyfriend Lotor.
Lance didn't dislike Allura or anything, but he most certainly didn't like her boyfriend. Lance used to have a huge crush on Allura, but she didn't like him back. He accepted that a while ago and they remained friends, but then she started dating Lotor. Lotor was bad news. He cheated on all his past girlfriends and always treated them badly. Lance had made attempts to warn Allura, but she claimed that he was just jelous that she liked Lotor. They haven't really talked since.
He quickly darted his eyes away from her hoping that she wouldn't notice him. He moved his gaze across the crowd.
His eyes stopped on a boy who he didn't recognize. He must be new. He had longish hair that was cut into a weirdly semi-fashonable mullet. His hair was jet black and his eyes seemed to be almost purple. He was dressed in all black, except for his red jacket. He was wearing fingerless gloves and had ear buds in. He sat near the front on one of the empty bleachers.
It was then that Romelle elbowed Lance.
"Who's that?", she pointed at the boy
"Not sure, I think he's new."
The principal stood in the middle of the cafeteria and cleared his throat into the mic and read off some anouncements. Lance didn't pay attention as they read off the same announcements they read every year.

His eyes were still glued on the boy in the front. He looked like he was paying close attention but he still had his ear buds in.

Eventually the principal ended his announcements with a semi enthusiastic "And remember to have fun!" Like he did every year and the students all stood up.

Lance Hunk, Pidge, Romelle and Shay all begin walking together. They all took orchestra so they were all in the same 1st period class with all of the other orchestra seniors.
Shay played harp and Romelle was a percussionist.
The group made their way into the arts hall to the orchestra room.

Missed Notes (Klance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant