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Pidge and Hunk came in with the nurse and two school lunches. One for Lance, one for Keith. The nurse walked over to Keith's side. She put her hand on his forehead and checked his pulse. "He's gonna be fine. He was probably just hungry. He should wake up in a few minutes. One of you guys should stay here with him. The rest of you should go to class. It's gonna start in a minute." Pidge and Hunk nominated Lance to stay with Keith as they tried to go back to the cafeteria to eat for the last 5 minutes of lunch. The nurse left the room to go tend to an angry parent in the waiting room.

Once Lance was sure that he was alone, he grabbed his hand again. He kept focusing on Keith's chest rising and falling. He kept a hold of his hand and started eating some of the mashed potatoes on the plate that they brought for Lance.

Just as he took a huge bite of mashed potatoes, he felt Keith's hand tense up a little bit. Lance dropped the fork and stood up. "Keith? You awake?" Keith quietly grunted, meaning that yes, he a was awake. "You feel okay?" Keith finally opened his eyes. "Uuugh, yeah, where an I? He looked around." Lance chuckled "you're in the nurse's office. You passed out." Keith fully opened his eyes. Lance then relized that he was still holding Keith's hands.

He very quickly jerked his hand away. Keith hadn't actually noticed until he had let go. They both blushed intensely. Keith in his head repeating the words 'I don't like Lance I don't like Lance I don't like Lance.' And Lance again trying to convince himself that he had just held Keith's hand because it was a friend thing, and he would hold Hunk or Pidge's hands if they were there.

Lance decided to break the silence and pretend nothing happened by saying, "you should eat something." And pointing to the tray of food next to Keith. Keith seemed to forget all about it in a second as he was somehow eating faster than Pidge. It was pretty cute.

Lance sat down in the chair in the corner of the room. They had a few national geographic magazines that had been torn up pretty badly and a fake plant on the bedside table. It looked like the saddest hospital waiting room ever.

While Keith was inhaling his Lunch, Shiro came into the room. "Keith! Your awake!" Keith dropped his fork as Shiro ran over and hugged him. "Yeah, but I won't be if you hug me too hard." Shiro let him go. "Plus, I was only out for a few minutes, I wasn't I a coma or anything." Keith said, arms crossed. Shiro gave him a stern look. "But if you hadn't landed on Hunk, you could have been. Especially because Kosmo wasn't with you, you should have been being more careful." Shiro sighed. "You two can just stay in here until school is over. I can give Lance a ride. No real point in you two going to class at this point. It's the first day, not like you are learning anything."

Lance quietly celebrated as Shiro left the room. This made Keith chuckle a little bit. Lance really did not like doing work, or anything school related for that matter. "Hey Keith."
"Do you, wanna go to my house after school? Hunk Pidge and I usually go there on the first day of school."
"Sure, we would probably have to go by my house on the way to grab Kos though, I really don't think Shiro wants me going anywhere without him today." Lance nodded.
"Wait, is Shiro like, your legal guardian?" Keith shook his head.
"No, but he might as well is. Our adopted parents never really took care of us. Shiro has kinda taken care of me since I was 10. So I can accept that he is gonna be a little over protective sometimes."

Lance and Keith chatted for a while until the bell rang for school to be let out. They gathered their stuff and went to put their trays in the cafeteria. As the my walked out of the nurse's office, they saw Hunk and Pidge.

Missed Notes (Klance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon