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Keith and Lance walked to school most days. Keith's house was on the way to Lance's, so he would usually just knock on the door, or wait for Keith to come out. Most of the time, Lance could tell if Keith was at Brian and Stacey's house, or Shiro's by whether or not his shoes were on the front steps. Keith wore black and white checkerboard vans everyday since Lance has met him. Today was apparently different. His shoes were out front, but Keith didn't answer the door. Stacey and Brian weren't home on account of the lack of cars in the driveway.

The other clear indicators that Keith was not there were that, 1. Kosmo was not barking, and 2. The house was dark. Although Keith was a fan of sitting alone, quietly in the darkness. Clearly he wasn't home, so it was very odd that he would leave what where apparently his only pair of shoes there. It was unlike Keith to not wait and walk with him. Possibly he just got up early and decided to take the bus instead. This wasn't a very likely possibility, as Keith really liked to sleep in.

Lance didn't put much more thought into it until he walked into the orchestra room. Coran was waiting outside the door. "LANCE! INTO THE CLASSROOM. DON'T UNPACK YOUR INSTRUMENT. YOU GUYS ARE GETTING TESTED."
"What do you mean tested?"
their school was pretty lazy when it came to this stuff. They didn't even make you take off your shirt for the scoliosis check, and you kept your shoes on for height and weight.

Keith arrived a few minutes after Lance. Seeing him answered Lance's question about the shoes. Keith was wearing what could only be described as cowboy boots. They were black, leather, and had a 3 inch heel. "Uh well howdy partner. Wher'dve ya get them cooky boots. Yee haw."
"Thrift store." Keith deadpanned.
"But seriously, why are you wearing them?"
Keith quickly pulled out his student information from last year and pointed to the list of information at the bottom. All of the information on it was pretty normal,  except for the fact that it listed Keith as being 5'7.5. Lance was 5'8 and there was no way Keith was only half an inch shorter then him.

"So you use the boots to make you taller when you are measured?"
"Yeah." Keith blushed a little out of embarrassment.
"You shouldn't be self concious about your height." Lance patted him on the head. "You're cute short." He giggled jokingly. Keith blushed even more. 'What does that mean? Was that a joke? It wasn't that funny. Who just says stuff like that?' Keith angrily thought to himself. 'He's trying to make me mad. I'm sure of it.'
"Not too bad yourself, loverboy." The words kinda left Keith's mouth without him even thinking. Lance's face went bright red as Keith smirked victoriously.

The students more, clumped into a ball then lined up, but close enough.
The gym was filled with students from other classes. They split off into two lines, boys and girls. They were supposed to be in totally different rooms, but instead they just put up a large curtain through the middle of the gym.

The way that it worked was that the line would move slowly and you would pass different stations with different teachers. First, Slav would measure your height, then Coran would weigh you, then Adam would check your flexibility, and finally, Shiro would check you for various conditions.

Keith was the first in line. He was measured as being 5'7.5 again, as he had hoped, they didn't ask him to take off his shoes. The teachers would mark some information on a piece of paper, then yell "CHECK!" When they were done. The students gathered awkwardly at the end of the line when they were done. Keith located Hunk and Keith once he finished. "Hey mr. 5'7.5." He playfully teased at Keith. Hunk rolled his eyes and groaned. "Lord, these two." He said under his breath.
Keith lightly punched Lance's shoulder. Lance looked at him, offended.
"Hey! that wasn't very cash money of you."
"I don't know what that means."
His mouth opened to explain, but Coran inturrupted him. "CHILDREN OF THE ORCHESTRA. TIME TO GO BACK TO CLASS."
Pidge ran over from behind the curtain. "This is a scam. No way am I only 4'10!" She stomped through the hallway on the way back to class. Lance leaned over to whisper to Hunk. "Yeah, she's more 4'9."
"I HEARD THAT YOU LANKY NOODLE!" Pidge yelled, running at Lance.
"Eh, you deserve it. GET EM PIDGE!"

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