The plan

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*Keithy boy's POV again ;)*

Shiro's house was empty besides me. He had gone to do parent teacher conferences after school. All I had done since I got home was flop onto the couch. I really needed to figure out what to do about Lance. It can't be that hard. He likes me, I think, I hope. And I like him I guess. This shouldn't be so hard! I can't just go up to him and say, "hey, dude, I like, am really gay for you." Can I? What if I just text him? No, that's not a good idea, I can't text.

Okay. I just need a plan. I could, ummm, I could ask him if I can talk to him at lunch. Yeah, then I can pull him aside into the hallway. Then I can tell him that I like him. What can go wrong? I just need to get the courage. God, I can run at a kid who has a knife in a fight without thinking about it. I can do countless dangerous tricks on a motorcycle. But for some reason, I can't just ask out some stupid boy?

You know what? I can sleep. That will help. I can deal with it tomorrow. Everything will be fine tomorrow.

~Lance's POV :)))))~

Lunch came around pretty fast. Allura wasn't avoiding me, Haggar was absent today, and Keith was there. So far, pretty good day. I grabbed my tray and sat down at our normal table.

Once I say down, Keith grabbed my sleeve and whispered into my ear "Can I talk to you outside?" And jesus christ is he cute. He can't just go saying stuff and doing stuff like that, damn. What could he want to talk about that's so important we would have to go outside? Maybe he is gonna tell me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore, or that he is moving away.

He led me out of the cafeteria and to the bench on basketball court outside. "What's so important?" I asked. His face was red and he was avoiding eye contact, well, more then he usually does. He sighed and opened his mouth. "I- I don't know how to say this, I don't really, have any experience with this type of thing. So I'm just gonna say it. Lance, I, I like you." He closed his eyes as if he was expecting me to punch him. "Like me, in what way?" I said as calmly as I could. Inside, I was freaking out. Keith Kogane, Mr. mullet, the most attractive human in the universe, likes me. "Like you like, I like you, Lance, I really like you, okay?" He covered his face with his hands to cover the fact that his cheeks were as red as a tomato. "Keith, I- I, I like you too. I really like you. I think I have since we first met." Now my face was probably just as red as his. He looked up at me. I spoke before he could say anything, because I think if he said one more word, Kosmo would have to stop him from hitting his head on the pavement and we left him in the cafeteria.

"Keith Kogane, will you do me the honor, of being my boyfriend?" I smirked at him and held out my hand.  "Shut up." He said, taking my hand. We sat on the bench holding hands for what felt like hours until the bell rang. I looked down at him, his head was resting on my shoulder and his knees were at his chest. "Let's not tell everyone just yet." He nodded as we stood up and went back to the cafeteria to go collect our friends and dog.

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