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*trigger warning. Contains slurs and strong homophobic language*

"Oh my god" Lotor said.
Lance and Keith quickly sat up into normal sitting positions as if they could make it so he didn't see them holding hands and lowkey cuddling. Lance sat sideways as if he was trying to protect Keith, even though Lance was probably the one who needed protection. "I didn't know you worked here." Lance said through gritted teeth. Lotor laughed "Well on the topic, I didn't know you two were fags." Keith stood up into a position where he could punch if he needed to.
Lance's eyes opened wide in shock. "What?" He whispered, as if he was in disbelief. Lotor leaned towards him. "I said, I didn't know. You two. Were. Fags." This time, Keith jumped in front of Lance to block him from Lotor. Both to make sure Lance wouldn't get hurt, and that Lance wouldn't straight up punch Lotor.

"What the fuck? I knew you were a piece of shit Lotor, but I didn't think you were actual scum." Keith yelled at him. The group had started to gather a bit of a crowd but nobody wanted to intervene. "Oh, you should sit down, twink, before I knock your ass down." Lotor cracked his knuckles to try to intimate Keith. "Oh, is that a threat?" Keith hopped down from the booth in front of Lotor. "Yeah, maybe it is." Lotor tried to puff out his chest to scare Keith away.

At this point Lance stood up and grabbed Keith by the waist. "Keith, don't it's not worth it. If you guys get into a fight he's gonna blame you and you're gonna get in trouble." Keith complied and let Lance pull him away from Lotor. Lotor turned to Lance now. "Oh, this must be why you don't like Allura. Is it cause you're a queer? Cause you're fucking Kogane over here." Lotor laughed again. Keith tried to go towards him again, but Lance held him back. Keith turned to Lance to protest, but when he looked at Lance, tears were running down his face. "lance?" Keith whispered, in a concerned voice. "I'm fine." He snapped, holding Keith closer.

Lotor cackled again. "Oh, is the little faggot crying? Is his wittle boyfwen too pussy to fight?" He flicked Keith in the face. At this, Lance let go of Keith's waist, and Keith forgot about everything. He forgot about the fact that he could go to juvie, or get expelled, or get hurt. All he thought about was, this son of a bitch just made Lance cry.

Keith jumped up and punched Lotor straight in the face. Lotor stumbled back in suprise. Instead of hitting Keith , he just stepped back again. "Whatever. The whole grade is gonna hear about this." He walked away and pulled out his phone.

Once he walked away from Lance and Keith, the staff finally intervened. People flocked around Lance and Keith. Most people were just apologizing for how their staff had acted or offering them free stuff. Nobody said anything to Lotor other then someone who was seemingly a manager telling him he was fired.

After a lot of apologies and a promise for free drinks if they don't try to sue or anything, they finally left Keith and Lance alone. Keith looked at Lance. He still had tears on his cheeks. "Hey, don't worry, he won't bother us ever again." He touched Lance's face, wiping off the tears. Lance sniffed and engulfed Keith in a hug. "Thank you." He whispered in his ear.

Keith and Lance's phones were blowing up with classmates asking if they were dating/if they were gay/if Lotor really kicked Keith's ass as he claimed, etc. Apparently word gets around quickly. Actually, Lotor had just posted on twitter, snapchat, instagram and pretty much every social media he had the phrase, "Lance is fucking Kogane." And had sent more information to his friends. Frankly most of his details were completely false and painted it as if they were making out in a cafe and then Keith walked over and tried to punch a waitress, and then Lotor valiantly protected her.

Keith and Lance both posted the full true story everywhere. Most people believed Keith and Lance on account of Lotor being fired, the bruise on his cheek, and just the obvious inaccuracy of Lotor's claims. The one part that everyone believed now was that as Lotor very elegantly put it, "Lance is fucking Kogane."

Well, so much for keeping it a secret.

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