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"Damnit." Keith whispered to himself. Snapchat was opened on his phone, and he was desperately trying to figure it out. It was layed out in a confusing and inconvenient way. He was just trying to post a picture. First he had to find out how to get to the camera, then he had to find out how to use the filters, then how to actually post it to his story.

The picture was just of him, with a filter making it look like he had butterflies on his head. It was more trouble then it was worth, but Keith was determined to post his selfie.
Normally, he wasn't a fan of taking pictures of himself, but now was different. It was his first post on his snapchat story. He wanted to show Lance that he could use social media correctly. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to show Lance a nice picture of himself.

Lance was messaging Pidge and Hunk on their groupchat. The conversation turned into Pidge groaning about how  romance was stupid and she would rather have a computer then a boyfriend and Hunk ranting about how much he loves Shay. At some point, Pidge got bored of hearing about Shay.
Pidge: so lance? Got your eyes on anyone? ',:)
Lance: ...... 
Hunk: Other then Allura?
Pidge: OH
Pidge: MY
Pidge: GOD
Pidge: Yes
Lance: nope
Hunk: will you at least let us guess?

The chance that they would be able to guess that it was Keith was pretty low, so Lance agreed.

Lance: fine.
Pidge: Yes!
Lance: you guys get 20 questions each.
Hunk: that should be enough.
Pidge: Okay, first question. Do they go to our school?
Hunk: Do we have any classes with them?
Lance: Yes

The questions went on for a while. Nothing really narrowed it down that much. Hunk and Pidge had started to guess people at around the 20th question asked.

Pidge: OH, Romelle?
Lance: still no
Pidge: Shay?
Lance: You really think I would go after Hunk's girlfriend??????
Pidge: worth a shot.

Then Hunk realized something. What if they were looking at it all wrong. He had an idea, but maybe it would be better to message Lance directly. He knew how Pidge could be sometimes. She wasn't really a person you could tell things.

Hunk: Hey, Lance
Lance: Yeah? Why are you DMing me?
Hunk: is it a girl?

The question kinda took Lance off gaurd. He now realized why Hunk had DMed him. If it were in the the group chat, he would lie and say yes, but Hunk wouldn't tell anyone or tease him about it.

Lance: No
Hunk: Is it Keith?

Lance almost fell out of his chair. 'DAMN. How did he know???? Is it really that obvious???' He thought to himself.

Lance: Please don't tell anyone!
Hunk: hahaha, I knew it.
Lance: HOW?
Hunk: Oh come on, you two are so obvious.
Lance: It doesn't matter anyways. I can't imagine Keith ever showing any interest in me. I'm like 99.99999999999% sure he's straight.
Hunk: mmmmhmmmm, sure....
Lance: what's that supposed to mean?
Hunk: nevermind.
Hunk:you should tell Pidge.
Lance: yeah, I know.

Back at the group chat Pidge was now guessing random girls

Pidge: Please tell me it's not Nyma again
Pidge: Ezor?
Pidge: Axca???
Pidge: Swirm????????
Pidge: HELLO???
Lance: No, no, no and no
Hunk: Pidge, you are looking at it wrong.
Lance: yeah
Pidge: Allura????
Lance: that was Litterally the first person I said it wasn't.
Hunk: it's pretty obvious when you think about it. You just kinda skipped a question a while back.
Pidge: wait, YOU KNOW WHO IT IS???
Hunk: Yes
Pidge: TELL MEEE!!!
Lance: you're smart. You will figure it out eventually.

After about 5 more minutes of Pidge guessing every girl at their school, Hunk decided to intervene.

Hunk: Pidge, think, we forgot to ask a question at the beginning of the game. The most obvious question that rules out all of your guesses.
Pidge: didn't I ask if they went to the school already?
Lance: oH MY GOD!
Hunk: PIDGE! Good lord, I'm gonna help you out a bit.
Hunk: Hey Lance? Is the person you like a girl?
Lance: No
Lance: yep

Missed Notes (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now