The truth

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Lance read out his truth with a sigh. "Out of everyone in the room, who would you most likely date?" The answer was obvious. Keith was the most attractive to him, plus, Pidge is significantly younger than him, and Hunk is like his brother. The only thing was, he didn't want to say that he would date the guy who he was holding hands with. He would probably be so weirded out, he would run home, and then pass out.

Lance weighed his options. He could tell the truth and risk having Keith be super weirded out. He could lie, but also possibly give one of his friends the wrong idea. He could say someone as a joke, but that might hurt someone's feelings. After a lot of concideration he thought of the solution.

"Easy, Kosmo." Lance said confidently, but also clearly jokingly. "I mean, look at those eyes." He gestured to the confused dog. The group laughed and continued with the game with no problems. Lance felt extremely relived that nobody had called him out on not telling the truth.

They did a few more rounds with no problems. Lance relized that neither Truth or Dare can really avoid awkward interactions. Keith had realized that they were allowed to let go of their hands now, but he didn't really want to point it out. If he was being honest, he kinda liked holding hands with Lance. 'It's just because his hands are warm and soft. Not because you like him.' He told himself. Lance's hands sure were soft. Keith's hands however were tough and callous. Keith was actually impressed that Lance can even play violin without his fingertips bleeding. The boy didn't have a single rough patch on his hand.

Eventually, after many rounds of singing, dancing, eating gross stuff and revealing dumb secrets, the ran out of cards. It was for the best, they had actually run out of juicy cards already. The game was made for kids, so there were not a lot of really good cards. They debated playing another board game for a little while, but decided to just watch a movie instead.

Lance was still holding hands with Keith. He had noticed, but Keith hadn't let go yet, so he decided that he would hold hands with Keith until he noticed. Not that he liked him, he just liked holding hands with somebody.

They watched a sad drama that Lance picked out. By the end, Pidge was laughing, Hunk had left the room to make some food, Lance was in tears, and Keith had fallen asleep with his face in a pillow. Lance was holding onto Keith's hand even tighter. Kosmo walked over to Lance and licked the tears off of his face. This just made Lance start crying even more. When Pidge had asked why, his only response was, "HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOY!" And then he returned to his sobbing.

Once Lance had finally contained his tears, he let go of Keith's hand and woke him up. He raised his face from the drool covered pillow. "Mmmh?" He said softly. "keithhh, come get some food."
"Mmmmmnmm, oke." He said drowsley. His hair looked messy and his eyes were a little watery. He stretched his arms and cracked just about every joint in his body.

They all went to the kitchen. As they only had the food that was in the pantry, they had a meal of Kraft mac and cheese with a side of rice. They all ate quickly and then returned to the Living room. Keith promptly fell asleep again, this time, he fell asleep on Lance's shoulder. It was just low key adorable.

He couldn't blame him, it was pretty late. It had been dark for a while, but he didn't know what time it actually was. "pidgeee." He whispered as to not wake Keith. "time?" She looked at her watch and widened her eyes with a start. "OH MY GOD IT'S TWO AM" Lance ghasped quietly.

"I should have been home an hour ago!" She exclamed. "Uuuh, mom and dad are gonna kill me." She said. Hunk promptly called an uber for Pidge. Hunk didn't really have a curfew. His parents just want to make sure that he is fed properly and tells them if he won't be there in the morning.

Pidge's phone dinged and she immediately ran out the door, cursing under her breath. Lance and Hunk decided that it would be best if Hunk just stayed at his house overnight. Then they wouldn't have to wake up his parents or pay for an uber.

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