The name

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Keith again found himself absentmindedly drawing in the corner of his notebook. This time he was less drawing, more writing. He was writing Lance's name in cursive. Once he noticed he was doing it he immediately stopped and scribbled it out. He looked to his side at Lance. He was looking at Adam still, so thankfully he didn't see the embarrassing sketch. Keith felt his face get a little hot. 'You don't like Lance, you were just writing his name because it was the first thing that popped into your head. You were drawing a hand earlier, that doesn't mean you are in love with them!' He scolded himself in his mind.

Lance was loosely following along with what Adam was saying. He had already started to lose interest. He looked over at Pidge, nothing interesting. She was taking notes even though he was just going over class rules. Hunk was reading a book under his desk. Lance saw it was the book theif, so he immediately looked away. He didn't want to remind himself of how sad the book was, and how long it took him to read.

He looked at Keith sitting next to him and he saw that he was blushing immensely. He was holding his notebook closed shut as if something was trying to escape. Lance leaned over. "You okay there Mullet?" He said  with a sly look on his face. "What? Yeah! What makes you say that?" Keith said with a start, eyes even wider than before, and face somehow redder. Lance chuckled. "You look like you have seen a ghost. Maybe the nurse was wrong. I think you did hit your head." Keith awkwardly tried to laugh it off. Convincing himself that he was just writing the name because Pidge and Hunk were weird and didn't have any flow to them. Also he couldn't do a P or a H in cursive.

Lance gave him one more funny look before returning his attention back to Adam. Keith was still trying to make his face go back to the color it normally was. 'Plus' he thought to himself, 'you can't develop a crush in one day. And plus, mom and dad would probably kick you out if you had a crush on a boy.' Not that he cared that much.

By Mom and Dad, he meant his adoption parents, Stacy and Brian. They didn't care about him or Shiro. They barely took care of them. He spent 90% of his time at Shiro's house. He could dissappear and they wouldn't care. They just use them for  money. Because of Shiro having only one arm, and Keith fainting so much that he needs a service dog, they get tons of cash from the government. Keith already had plans to move out the second that he turned 18. On one hand, they didn't care about anything he did. He could die and they wouldn't notice. But on the other hand, they are crazy hardcore Christians, so they are also overly strict sometimes. They wouldn't care if he snuck out in the middle of the night to a party, but if he had pre-marital sex, he would be grounded for the rest of his life.

He tried to clear Lance from his mind as he turned his attention back to Adam. He was saying how they were gonna be talking about physics and a tint bit of chemistry. The clock said that it was only a few minutes left until he could go to lunch.

It was very convenient that lunch was near the end of the day. That meant he had something to look forward to. He also wished that it was just a little bit earlier, considering the fact that it was almost 2:00. He could hear his stomach grumble fairly loudly. He hoped that nobody else had noticed. His hopes were clearly wrong, as Hunk discreetly handed him a large freezer bag of popcorn. Keith smiled and gave him a nod as Hunk put a finger over his mouth as a signal for him to stay quiet. Despite this fact, Pidge almost immediately sniffed and as if she used some kind of super sence, darted at Keith from under the table and grabbed the bag.

Even though she was very small and unintimidating, it was a little bit terrifying seeing her crawl that fast. She looked like some kind of rodent scurrying across the floor. Adam stared at the small girl who was now hunched over on the floor, wolfing down popcorn by the fistfull. He raised an eyebrow and then looked at Hunk. "Does she do this often?" Hunk shrugged. "When she is hungry."
"Is there anyway to stop it?" Hunk shrugged again. "You just have to let her eat until she tires herself out." Adam sighed. "Good, I thought I was gonna have to call Matt." Keith looked up. He thought that Pidge looked Familiar. "Wait, is she related to Matt?" Keith asked, even though it was pretty obvious now that he thought about it. She looked almost identical to a young Matt. Adam nodded. "If I'm not mistaken, she is his younger sister." Hunk gave them a confused look. "You two know her older brother?" Keith nodded. "He was Adam and Shiro's friend from college." Hunk smiled "huh, small world."

Pidge finally finished eating the bag of popcorn. She groaned. "Yeah, I thought I recognized you." She burped loudly and stood back up. Finally the lunch bell rang. She grabbed her backpack and sprinted to the lunchroom. Even after eating the bag of popcorn. The others followed close behind.

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