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Romelle and Shay split off from the group to go to science while Hunk, Pidge, Lance, and Keith all headed for geography. Pidge gave Keith a quick glare.

"I sure hope you are nice to your brother, or we're all gonna fail geography."

"Pidge! Be nice to our new squad member!" Hunk gave her a light tap because he was too gentle to actually push her. She let out a little snort.
"I'm sure that Mr. Mullet is a great brother." Lance covered playfully elbowed Keith.

The four walked into the geography room and saw all of the tables pushed into little clusters of four. Lance broke into a sprint, the others following right after him to get to the last cluster.

They all slammed their backpacks into the desks as if to confirm that they were their desks and sat down. They were lightly panting.

Keith looked around the room. There were 5 of the desk clusters so around 20 kids in the class. He didn't see anyone he recognized other than Pidge, Hunk, and Lance. He was glad that the other cello player wasn't there, he didn't seem like he liked Keith.

After a few seconds of them trying to catch their breath, Mr. Shirogane entered the room. He walked over to their table. "Ah, Keith, you seem to have made some friends." Keith lightly pouted.
"Hi, I'm Lance!" Lance shot up.
"This is Hunk, this is Pidge!"
"Nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Shirogane, most kids call me Shiro though. My name can be a bit of a mouthful. Plus, it's weird for seniors to call me that, I'm only a few years older than you guys." The bell buzzed loudly

Shiro was a tall, muscular man who had black hair. His hair was mainly buzz cut length, but he had a stripe down the middle that was about 3 or 4 inches long. His most notable feature though, was his metal arm. It seemed that one of his arms had been replaced with a prosthetic that went up to his shoulder.

He walked to the front of the class and introduced himself to the rest of the class. Lance tuned him out. He instead turned his attention to Keith.

He was close now, so he could see his face very clearly. His skin was very light and pale. It looked very smooth. He didn't seem to have a single blemish on his face other than the scar that ran from his cheek to his eye. Even sitting down, he could tell that Keith was significantly shorter than lance. His eyes were a deep purple color. His eyelashes were long and black.

He found himself looking at the boy's lips. They looked soft and smooth like the rest of his face. Keith was most certainly very attractive. Lance stopped himself right there. 'Well, you would find him attractive if you were into dudes...' he thought to himself. Ripping his attention off of Keith and back to Shiro.

Shiro was giving a short talk on rules of the classroom, saying where everything was, and what they would be learning about this year.

Keith was easily bored by watching Shiro talk about pencils and bathroom passes for 30 minutes. He began to look at Lance.

He hadn't really gotten a good look at him during orchestra. Lance's skin was tan. He was tall and thin, but definitely had some muscles on him. His eyes were a nice dark blue color that made them look like lakes. His face was dotted with small freckles. His hair was shaggy, but not long. It was light brown in color and looked like he hadn't brushed it that morning.

Lance was undoubtedly attractive to Keith. Keith noticed that he was staring at Lance and turned his attention back to Shiro.

Shiro was still giving a lecture about what to do if you had to use the bathroom. Just as he was telling them about the sign up board, he was interupted by the bell.

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