Spooky movies

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Once the man was gone, everyone slowly began talking again. As the voices got loud enough to where you could talk without the whole room hearing, Lance went over to his dad.
"Hey, thanks for saying all that stuff. You didn't have to, really."
"Yes I did. Any man who disrespects my son is no friend of mine. Especially for something so silly." His dad assured him.
"It's not that silly. I mean, I get it. Nobody wants their son to be bi. Everyone would rather have straight kids and have little grandchildren. I'm just a huge dissapointment to you." Lance said, tears now running down his face. His dad crouched down to eye level and grabbed Lance's shoulders.
"Hey. Don't ever say that about yourself. I couldn't be prouder to call you my son. Nothing would ever change that. And I'm glad you're dating Keith. He seems like a nice boy. Definitely an upgrade from that Nyma girl." He looked over at Keith, who was talking to Hunk, seemingly about a pretzel that Hunk was holding up to the light for some reason.
"You really like him, don't ya?"
Lance nodded and smiled.
"Well, don't screw it up." He said, patting Lance on the shoulder and gently pushing him back towards his friends.

"Hey, you okay?" Keith asked, wiping a tear off Lance's face with his thumb.
"Yeah, don't worry." Lance moved Keith's hand off his face, and held it. "You're dad's pretty cool."
"Ha, that's an understatement."
Lance said, leading Keith over to the couch. Hunk grabbed the remote and put on goosebumps. He flipped through the episodes for a minute until Pidge screamed for him to go back one. "YES, THAT ONE! THAT ONES THE SCARIEST ONE!" She said, as Hunk clicked on the description. It was the one about the cat that could turn people into scary half cat half human demon looking things if it scratched you. "Are you kidding?" Romelle yelled. "The scarecrow one is the scariest!" Allura nodded in agreement. "NO, THE ONE ABOUT THE KID AND THE DEAD PEOPLE!" Lance protested. "You guys are crazy, monster blood is the scariest." Hunk argued. "WHAT?" They all yelled in unison. "Sorry babe, monster blood was the lamest episode, by far." Shay game him a sympathetic smile and patted his shoulder. "I'm with Pidge. It's the cat one."
"You two are crazy! No way a scarecrow that Litterally comes alive and like, kills people at night is less scary then some cat that turns people into furries!" Romelle yelled. "Okay, two votes scarecrow, two votes cat, one vote whatever episode Lance is talking about and one vote minster blood. Keith, what about you?" Hunk asked. "Oh, I never watched goosebumps when I was little, I was 12 before I was fluent in English, so I never really got the chance." He shrugged. "But the scarecrow sounds scariest." Romelle and Allura cheered. "Wow, betrayed by my own boyfriend." Lance shook his head and leaned on Keith's shoulder. "Sorry, had to be honest." He leaned back.

Once they were done with the episode, they put on the conjuring, to be extra spooky. Everytime there was a jumpscare, Lance squeezed Keith's hand a little bit. "Scared?" He whispered. "No, just, suprised." Lance said defensively. Keith smirked at him. "Hey, wipe that smile off you're face." Lance said.
"Make me." Keith smirked even more.
"Maybe I will." Lance leaned in and kissed him. First just a peck, then he leaned back in, and eventually they were just making out. They were promptly stopped by Pidge, who threw a pillow at them. "Hey, I'm trying to watch a movie here!" She yelled at them. "Hey, you could have just told us to stop, didn't have to be violent about it." Lance said, rubbing the back of his head where the pillow went. "We'll continue that later." He whispered into Keith's ear and snuggled back up to him.

What's do you guys think is the scariest goosebumps episode?

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