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They reached the lunchroom, out of breath from running. Pidge, despite the P.E. class that Hunk literally carried her through, was very fast when she wanted to be. Keith was especially out of breath. He quickly relized that he had barely drank enough water that day and he just ran pretty far. Thankfully he had some prior experiences and noticed himself getting a bit dizzy. He came to the conclusion that he was about to faint.

He looked around, his surroundings started getting fuzzy. He saw a largish yellow blur and just before he blacked out completely, he pushed his weight towards it. Then he was unconscious.

From Lance's point of view, Keith looked completely fine and normal until he suddenly passed out onto Hunk. Hunk was thankfully very quick to figure out what was happening and grabbed Keith right before he hit the ground. "Oh no." He said rather anticlimactically. Lance screamed. Pidge oofed. Keith said nothing, as he was unconcious.

Hunk picked Keith up again and looked at Lance. "Hey, dude, remember. He said this happens all the time. It's not that serious, he didn't hit anything. Come on, let's take him to the nurse again." Lance was still kind of in shock. He nodded. A group had started to form around them a little bit. People were mumbling and asking what happened. Pidge tried to calm down the croud and explain what happened "Move back guys. No, he isn't dead. Yes, that's a guy. He passed out. Yeah he has long hair. No he didn't hit his head. Yeah, he us gonna be fine. Yes he is new. I mean I guess he is pretty? Okay step back, I can't open the doors. No you can't come with!" She closed the cafeteria doors. "Those people are weird." They quickly went to the nurse. They again, saw Shiro from across the hall. This time, he ran over to them as fast as he could. "Oh god, did he faint?" Hunk nodded. "Um, was he tired, was he dehydrated, was he hungry?" Lance tried to think. He hadn't drank any water, he looked pretty sleep deprived, he hadn't had lunch yet, and he had just ran pretty far. "Um, all 3?" Lance said. He looked as if he was calm and collected, but on the inside he was panicking. He didn't want his first new friend in years to leave school, or worse, die. Shiro grabbed Keith from Hunk and started running. Keith was pretty small, but it was still pretty impressive that Shiro could carry him that quickly. He motioned with his head for them to follow.

They reached the nurse's office and put him on the bed. Shiro ran up to talk to the nurse. Pidge chuckled, "I feel like I'm getting deja vu." She joked. Hunk elbowed her. "Pidge, how about we go get him a lunch and some water for when he wakes up?" Pidge nodded and they walked out of the door, leaving Lance alone in the room. 'Keith is still breating', Lance told himself, 'he didn't hit anything, this happens all the time, you will get used to it eventually' He thought. But then he thought back to Shiro running over to see if Keith was okay. Maybe you never get used to it.

Lance pulled up a chair next to Keith. He didn't want Keith to be alarmed by waking up in some cold room alone, so he wanted Keith to see him once he woke up. Lance looked closely at Keith. He looked at his hand that was hanging off of the bed. Without thinking, he grabbed it. It was warm. His hands were soft, just as he expected they would be. He watched Keith's chest rise and fall. His eyes were closed, his face looked relaxed. More relaxed then it normally looked. It was cute. He heard a knock on the door and immediately let go of Keith's hand.

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