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Lance took the break as a chance to go talk to Keith. He put down his violin and walked over to Keith. Keith sat his bow on his stand. He noticed Lance walking towards him and took out his earbuds.
"Hey, you new?"
"Yeah, Lance, right?"
"Yup, Keith?"
Lance sat down in the empty chair next to him.
"How did you learn to play cello like that?"
"Oh, my older brother taught me. He has played since he was young. He is actually a teacher here."
"No shit, really?"
"Yeah, he teaches geography, Shiro?"
Lance sounded very shocked.
"Uh, yeah?"
Hmm, they don't have the same last name... I wonder if he was adopted? Lance wondered.
"Dang, if I didn't want to be friends with you before, I sure do now."
Keith smiled.
"Yep, looks like you're stuck with me or else your gonna fail geography."
"Hush mullet, I was gonna be friends with you anyways."
The conversation came to a halt as Coran slammed open the door.
Keith put the earbuds back on.
He began walking around the room and pointing at people.
"Lance 1st chair, Allura 2nd."
They both nodded.
"Pidge, 1st. Nyma, 2nd."
Nyma made an odd grunt of anger.
"Rolo 1st, Hunk 2nd."
The two gave eachother a fist bump.
"Shay, are the only harp player, so first. Same with you Romelle."
The two exchanged glances of happiness.
"And finally, Keith 1st, Lotor 2nd."
Lotor looked like he was about to explode. For a second, Lance thought he was going to stand up and cause a scene. Thankfully he just crossed his arms looking angry.
Coran moved back to the front of the class.
"Well, I haven't finish printing out sheet music, so... just practice tell the end of class." He left the room again.
All of the students immediately knew that that meant that they weren't going to get anything done for the rest of the day.
Lotor got up from the cello section and went over to Allura. Lance let out a sigh of relief. Pidge made her way over to Lance and Keith.
"Hey Lance, made a new friend?"
Lance sighed.
"Pidge meet Keith, Keith, meet Pidge."
The two waved at eachother. "Hey Keith, what's your schedule?" Lance asked while showing him his own schedule to compare. He scanned over the schedule  and his own that he had pulled out of his pocket. "It's the same."
"Yay, now you can protect me if mr. Shirogane gets mad at me." Pidge rolled her eyes."so that means you have the same schedule as Hunk and I, all except for last period. You two have art together though, so you won't be alone."
Keith gave her a slightly curious look.
"OH! I forgot!"
Lance said a little too loud as he quietly waved for Hunk to come over. Hunk was talking to Shay, so he just waved for her to come with.
"Hunk, Shay, this is Keith, Keith this is Hunk and Shay." The tree all waved in the same way that Pidge and Keith did. Hunk patted his head. "You sure are a good cello player."
"Keith has the same schedule as me."
Many classes were pretty big and where filled with people they barely knew, but orchestra was different. Not only were there only around 10 kids in the class, but they had been in the same class since freshman year. So they all knew eachother pretty well. So once someone you like is there, you guys are bound to be good friends.
Keith opened his mouth to day something but he was cut off by the bell. They all darted up to pack up and almost ran out the door.

Missed Notes (Klance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt