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Contains some mentions of blood.

Halloween day, Lance's nerves were high. He just hoped to god that his family would like Keith as much as he does. Well, maybe not quite as much as Lance.

Lance got up extra early just to put on his costume. Hunk, Pidge, Keith and him had decided to all go as classic monsters. Lance as a warewolf, Hunk as Frankenstein's monster, Pidge as a zombie, and Keith as a vampire (fitting). Lance ripped up a flannel shirt, got some fake ears and fangs, and glue on sideburns. He also put on some press on claws from party city. Overall his costume was pretty cool looking after he added a few extra spooky stuff with Veronica's makeup collection. Without it he kinda just looked like a lumberjack furry.

He went by Keith's house, his shoes were out front, so he was home. Lance texted him to come outside, but before it even sent, Keith and Kosmo walked out of the door. He didn't use anything to make himself look pale, he already was pale enough. There was black makeup around his eyes to make him look spookier and he had a little bit of fake blood on the corners of his mouth. Before now, Lance never understood why people in vampire movies allow themselves to be bitten by a vampire, but now he highkey would let Keith drink his blood.

"There's my sexy vampire." Lance said as Keith left his house. "Shut up." Keith leaned into Lance's side. As they were walking, they spotted lots of other people around their age dressed as various monsters and characters. "You ready to meet my family?" Lance asked. "Well, you talk about them so much I feel like I know what to expect. I just hope they like me." Keith felt Lance's arm wrap around him and pull him closer. "Don't worry. I'm sure they will."

They walked into school and saw lots of teenagers running around dressed up in costumes. A few anime kids were in full cosplay and a few kids were edgily wearing normal clothes. If you asked one of them about it they would 100% say that they are dressed as themselves.

Hunk Shay and Pidge were waiting for them outside the orchestra room. Shay seemed to be dressed as bride of Frankenstein to go along with Hunk's costume. Pidge's zombie was scarily good. She had sfx makeup and everything. "Hello couple #2." Pidge groaned. She wasn't unhappy that she was single, just that her other friends weren't. Lance gave her a fake offended look. "What? Why are we couple #2? We are clearly the superior couple." Hunk and Shay frowned at him. "Okay, okay, couple B. A and B have equal value as numbers. It still clearly states that there are two couples. At least you guys aren't wearing a couples costume."
"Hey, we look adorable. Don't judge." Hunk said as they walked into class.

School felt like an eternity for both Lance and Keith. On one hand, it seemed like it would be fun for Lance's family to meet Keith. On the other hand, it seems really terrifying and made them both anxious. When the time came, they started walking to Keith's house to drop off Kosmo. When they got within sight of the house, Keith let go of Lance's hand. Neither of them really wanted to see Keith's parents react to them being together. Once they passed the house, they grabbed eachother's hands again "I wish we didn't have to do that." Lance said, holding on tighter. "But we do." Keith whispered.

They got to Lance's house and saw that the house already had lots of cars in the driveway. "God, your family must know a lot of people."
"Yeah..." Lance said as they went up the wooden steps to the door. Lance opened the door with a creak. Camila and Mateo ran over to him. "Lance!" They yelled. The two tiny kids hugged his legs and then quickly ran away to go play. "Would I be right to assume that was your niece and nephew?" Lance nodded.

They walked anxiously into the living room where most everyone had gathered. They stayed holding hands to try to eliminate a few questions people would ask. Lance's mom was talking to some random adults he didn't recognize. Once she saw the, she jumped and ran over. "Lance! This is that Keith, right?" She said, pointing at Keith. Lance nodded. "Ah, I knew I remembered." She said, forcing Keith into a big hug.

After she let go of him, Veronica came over to meet Lance's boyfriend. "Aw, he's cute. That's not fair." She said, before walking away without another word. Marco and Luis approached after Veronica walked by them and quietly said something to them. "She's right. He isn't that bad." Marco remarked. "You could do so much better, bro." Luis said, patting Keith's shoulder. After that, the siblings all migrated into the kitchen.

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