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They shuffled out of Shiro's classroom. Lance checked his schedule to see that he had P.E. next.

Keith went to look at his schedule, but before he knew it, the other 3 were dragging him to the gym. The gym was large, but not as large as the cafeteria. It had hardwood floors and was painted like a basketball court.

As they walked in, they were greeted by an old mean looking woman. Pidge leaned over to Keith. "That's Haggar. She has worked here since the school was set up."

She definitely did look ancient. Once all of the students filed into the gym, she pointed to a row of bins with different labels."Those are your gym clothes. Please pick two shirts and two shorts. Pick one that will fit you for the rest of the year. Do not lose it or break it, you will not get another one. Go and change in the locker room. Oh, and choose a locker while you are in there."

Once the old woman walked back into her office, all of the students ran for the bins to get the best clothes. Keith was able to get to the bin labeled "boy's medium" quickly and grabbed the least gross pairs of clothes.

Lance immediately made his way to the "Boy's large". He was tall but skinny so none of them would fit him right. He could get to the bins pretty quickly because of his long legs, but he was still beat by Lotor.

Lotor instead of grabbing dome cloths for himself, grabbed 8 pairs of gym clothes for him and his friends even though they didn't even make an effort to get there first. This left Lance with shirts covered in stains and shorts filled with holes.

They all made their way to the bathrooms to change. Lotor and his gang went over to the lockers by the stalls so Hunk, Lance, Keith and a few others who hated Lotor went over near the showers.

"I can't belive those jerks got all the good clothes." Lance angrily slammed open an empty locker. Keith shrugged, "You should tell Haggar."
"No, not only is she a total bitch, rumor has it that she is actually Lotor's mom." Keith grabbed a locker next to Lance. "I can see the resemblance."

The group all got their stuff in their lockers and started changing. Keith made his best efforts not to look at Lance while he was changing. Lance however, glanced over as Keith pulled his black t-shirt over his head and into his locker. Now that his shirt was off, Lance could see Keith's muscles. Keith looked very strong. He looked like he could beat someone up. He was, extremely hot. Lance stopped himself again. 'No, he isn't, you don't think Keith is hot. You don't like guys Lance, remember?' He quickly looked away and changed into his own gym clothes.

Once they were all done changing, they left the bathroom as a group. All of the students grouped together once they all left the bathroom. Keith scanned for any of the other people that Lance had introduced him to or told him about. He only saw Lotor, but that wasn't very reassuring.

Haggar walked up to the group and told them to line up in a straight line. The group of teens followed her instructions as she paced in front of the line.

"I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE RUNNING!" She said louder than she needed to. "I WANT 25 LAPS EACH BY THE END OF CLASS." The kids groaned. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? RUN!" She blew a whistle tied around her neck.

They all started running, well, more of a trot for most. Lotor's gang were sprinting as fast as they could. Hunk, who was almost comedically skipping, pointed at the group. "Do they know how endurance works?" Pidge was already winded from trying to keep up with Hunk, who is a suprisingly fast skipper.. "Apparently, *pant* *pant*, not." Hunk sighed as   they finished their first lap and stopped skipping. He crouched down and on cue, Pidge jumped up onto his back. Hunk started jogging along next to Lance and Keith with Pidge on his back like a backpack.

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