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(Keith's point of view)


I had to wait for a while until Shiro finished with his work. Schools are a little bit surreal when they have no students in them. I wandered around the school for a while, looking in the doors. Most rooms were either empty, or had a teacher quietly grading papers.

'Adam's classroom is nearby, it couldn't hurt to pop in.' I started towards his room. He was sitting at his desk, looking distraught. "Hey, Keith. Waiting for Shiro?"
"Yeah. You okay?"
Adam groaned. "Freshman, I swear. This kid cited a Game Theory video as a source."
"Sounds rough."
"How's this good boy doing?" He gave Kosmo a pat.
"Good. I'm glad that I can bring him to school now." 'The less times I fall on Hunk, the better.' Kosmo is a suprisingly strong dog. He can carry a lot of weight. I had fallen on him before and he always caught me. I guess it's partially because I'm pretty small.

My phone rung loudly from inside of my jacket pocket. Shiro was calling me. "Yeah?"
"I'm done grading, you may return."
Adam and I exchanged goodbye waves and I went to find Shiro.

The car was largish and had the backseat cleared out and a towel was layed down as to have minimal Kosmo fur on the seat. Kosmo quickly jumped into the backseat and layed down. He made a that little sighing noise that dogs do when they are tired.
"So, Keith. You've certainly made friends quick."
"Yeah, they are nice to me." I shrugged.
"Lance especially."
I could feel my face get hot
"Wh-what makes you say that?"
"Maybe because you two are always looking at eachother in my class. You don't act like that with Hunk and Pidge."
"I DON'T like Lance like that, if that's what you're implying. With his dumb hair and his weird eyes and his creepy long legs. Plus, I don't like guys."
Shiro nodded unconvincingly.
"You are aware that I pretty much never speak to Stacey and Brian. You can tell me anything."
"I DON'T LIKE LANCE. END OF DISCUSSION." I huffed and looked out the window. We were close to Shiro's house already. 'I don't. I like girls. I've had a girlfriend. Gay guys don't have girlfriends. Even if I did, why would I like Lance? Sure he's nice, but he isn't all that special.' There was no reason why I would like specifically Lance.

Once we got to Shiro's house, I ran to my room. Kosmo following behind me. My body flopped onto the bed. I just felt like going to sleep and not doing anything else. I didn't even care that I hadn't eaten. It was that kind of tired that you aren't necessarily "sleepy" more that your body was exhausted.

A few hours after I fell asleep, I was awakened by a knocking on my door.
"Hey Keith, can I come in?"
"How come?"
"I don't wanna talk to you right now."
Shiro let out a sigh from behind the door.
"Well, I can't make you talk, but I would like it if you did."
He waited for me to respond, but I didn't. He gave up after a few seconds and walked away.

My phone informed me that it was around 9:00, so Shiro would be in bed soon. Now that I am at a new school where I have actual friends, maybe I should get some sort of social media. I know of a few. Instagram, Facebook, and snapchat.

The first one to download was instagram. The app opened to a screen telling me to make an account. I've never been good at making accounts for things. The name I chose was "_K.Kogane_ ". The app told me that I had to make a profile picture. I choose a picture that had saved to my phone. It was of me and Kosmo at the top of a mountain. Shiro had taken the picture a while before they had moved. It was while they were on vacation.

For my bio, I wrote "senior at Garrison. Artist and Cello player."
It seemed descriptive and basic enough. The app was layed out fairly simply. I clicked around for a minute trying to find a search bar. I typed in a few versions of "Lance McClain" until I finally found it. The profile picture was a picture of Lance smiling and the name was "Loverbo1Lanc3"
He had over 1000 followers and around 50 posts. I reluctantly hit follow, turned off my phone, and went back to bed.

Missed Notes (Klance)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ