Nyma and Kahoot

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*trigger warning. Homophobia.*

"So is it true? Are you dating him now?" Nyma asked. Lance nodded uncomfortably. She ghasped. "So that's why you broke up with me? Cause you're a queer???? I knew there had to be something wrong with you to dump me." She said.

Lance tensed up the same way he did with Lotor. He felt like he was frozen. This time, however, he was able to snap out of it. "Are you serious Nyma?" Lance yelled at her. Everyone around them looked at the two. This included Keith. "I broke up with you because you're a shitty girlfriend! Well, just a shitty person in general. I don't want anything to do with you. Oh, and just for the record, I'm bi."

With that, Lance stormed off. On the way out, he grabbed Keith's arm and led him outside. "God, I can't belive her. Poor Rolo, having to put up with her." Lance said as they walked through the halls hand in hand. People around them in the hallways
Stared at them, whispering. The two tried their best to ignore them as they walked to geography.

Shiro walked over to them once they walked through the door. He did not look happy. "Keith! You punched Lotor????" He yelled. Keith winced. "Oh, I um, I forgot to tell you." He said. Lance quickly tried to explain. "Well it was justified!" Shiro shook his head. "How could punching him be justified?" He asked.
"Well, he called us homophobic slurs at a cafe and lowkey-highkey made me cry so Keith like....punched him." Lance said in Keith's defense. Shiro considered that for a second. "Okay I guess it was justified, but still, Don't punch people. Now go sit down." He said as the rest of the students came into the room. "Wait, how did you know in the first place?" Keith asked. "Oh, people were talking about it in my 1st period class." He said.
"Hold on." Lance said, "isn't your first period the sophomores?" Shiro nodded.

"Great, it's made its way to other grades." Lance said as he flopped onto his chair dramatically. "And now we have to do work? Life is such a scam!" He leaned back in his chair so that it was touching the wall behind him. Shiro walked to the front of the class. "So, as you know we have a test tomorrow. Today we will do some review. We have a few things we could do, you could study flashcards, do a jeopardy game..." He listed a few more review games. Before he got to the end of the list, the entire class was quietly chanting "kahoot kahoot kahoot" Shiro groaned. "Okay okay okay. Well do a kahoot." Everyone cheered. "BUT, you have to control yourself. Alright get out a device." He sat back down at his desk.

"Great." Lance said, "The one day I don't bring my phone." He leaned forward in his seat and sighed as the other students got out their phones. "Hey, Lance?" Keith said from next to him. "Yeah?"
"Wanna be a team?" He asked, showing Lance his phone. Lance nodded. "What should our name be?" Keith asked as names began to pop on the screen. Without a word, Lance grabbed his phone. The name "the #1 senior ship" popped onto the board.

For the entire game, Keith (who answered all of the questions for Lance and his team) and Pidge were battling for first place. The reason they could not let Pidge win was half Keith and Lance's competitive nature, and half the fact that Pidge's name was last place. How can you simply not be enraged by kahoot happily telling you that you're 10 points behind Last Place.

After a long battle, Keith emerged victorious. They were rewarded with a package of gummy snacks each. Pidge got a peppermint for her "Valliant effort" though she didn't even eat it, she just threw it at Keith's head and Kosmo stole it from off the floor.

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