two; digital clocks + kylie jenner [edited]

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a pause between the telling of the story - thomas' pov

"I love this story, Alex comments, sipping his tea in the corner. I look over at him, finding put his giggles are contagious. He looks behind me, checking out James.

"Okay, then what happened?" James asks, for some reason intrigued.

"I've seen you give looks at Theodosia before," I whisper quietly, just loud enough for them both to hear, "What's up with that?

"Oh, wow." James comments, looking at his wrist. He doesn't own a watch, and I'm pretty sure everyone nowadays can only read digital, "It's dinnertime. Well, I better get back so I can make some random meal with... my best friend... George."

Alex looks at the microwave clock.

"It's 2 PM."

"I have a class in ten minutes?"

"Your next class is with me in an hour."

"I have to study."

"You studied with me over the phone yesterday.."

"Well-" James sputters, glaring at us both, "I'm leaving because I'm sick of you guys!" Alex pouts in the corner, although the realism part of the pout and whimper is invisible. At least, for me. I can see James' face soften as he walks out the door.

He slams it shut.

I turn to Alex, smiling lightly. He smiles back, not saying anything. We keep smiling at each other until Alex hops up from his spot in the corner and comes to sit next to me. I move a seat away so I can turn and see him vividly. Alex purrs, taking off his hoodie.

His black cat ears spring out, clearly, he's happy. His tail comes around, hitting against the bar stool chair in between us. I sigh softly, reaching out to touch the soft piece of fur.

Alex hisses.

"Don't freaking touch my tail, I swear I'll bite you."

"Oooh, I'm so scared," I mumble teasingly, holding his blushing face up with a finger under his chin. He growls. I move my hand so instead, four fingers are holding his chin up and run my thumb around his lips, stopping at the bottom one and pulling it out.

His tail hits my back as my thumb hovers on his lip.

He takes my thumb in his mouth and chomps down.

It doesn't even hurt though, I just move my thumb away and wipe his spit off by dragging my thumb down his face, chin, and clothes.

When I look back up at the top of his head, his cat ears are clearly standing up. Alex giggles and purrs, sipping his tea again. I smile back, touching the side of his face.

"You know you're adorable, right? Has anyone ever told you that?" I ask quietly, watching his ears. They droop down a little bit at the last sentence, and I'm scared for a moment he'll mention Francis, but he keeps his mood up and doesn't mention the monster who made a nightmare out of his life for nearly two years.

"Just you, Daddy."

I smile, nodding, "That's right. My kitten and my kitten only."

He blushes.

I take his tea cup, which makes him flinch, but he would never fight against me. I take the tea cup, putting it to his plump lips as Alexander sips the tea. When he's done with a reasonable amount, I take the tea and dump it into the sink, which is in front of the bar-like counter in the kitchen.

"Daddy?" He asks.

I turn, humming as a response.

"Can we watch the Kardashians?" Alex asks. I laugh softly but try to hide it. He glares, "Their drama is really interesting, okay? I can't help but like it. Plus, Kylie just got her lips surgically fixed, because she was ugly, and she keeps denying it!"

I laugh again, this time not trying to hide it.

"I hate you, Daddy."

"Mmm, really now?"

Alex looks away, "Let's go watch the Kardashians." He sees weakly.

"Let me hear you say it." I push, forcing him to look at me.

He meekly looks away, his face turning red. What a piece of art he is as he whispers lowly, "I l-love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too." I whisper, kissing his nose softly. Alexander's black silk ears perk up as he nuzzles against me. Since we can see the TV from the bar stools, all I have to do is stand up and get the remote. Alex whines as I stand up though, so I take him with me to get the remote.

Long story short, we end up on the couch, with the TV on.

"Drama..." Alex mumbles, watching the TV intently. I let my attention slip away as I play with his ear, only listening faintly to the sound of Kylie saying she didn't do anything to her ugly-ass lips...


if there are any mistakes, tell me (:

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