ten; belonging to him + starbucks [edited]

713 21 44

"Why... Are you still wearing the collar?" I ask groggily, feeling around Alex's neck. He yawns against my shoulder, then closes his mouth, and evidently bites my shoulder. I push his mouth away, pulling the collar off of him, "Aren't you uncomfortable?"

He wraps the blanket tighter around himself, still holding onto me, "Yeah, but I like belonging to you."

I snort, because I find him funny, "That's slavery-" He puts his hand over my mouth, shutting me up. I don't say anything back to him when he takes his hand away, but I do let my eyes open slowly.

Alex is curled up, his hands are my chest. As expected, his mouth is open, practically chewing on my shoulder. His smile is there, but his eyes are closed and his body is limp. The blankets around us are the blankets my mother got me when I moved away; black. The pillows are white, and no dash of color is added anywhere. 

Alexander still wears his magenta collar, which he insisted I got him even when I was hesitant about it. When I glance at the alarm clock behind him, I see three green digital numbers; six and two zeros.

"Holy shit," I mumble to myself, "James'll be seething."

Alexander looks up at me, his eyes still closed and his mouth still open slightly, "Who's James?" His fingers tighten around my chest, "Are you cheating on me?"

Easily, I slip out of his "menacing" grip. When he reaches for me with a pout on his face though, I lay back down and let Alex attach himself to me, "I'm not cheating. I have a job interview, stupid as it is, for Starbucks."

"Oh," Alex doesn't say anything. This time I do slip out of bed and begin to change. He speaks again after a few minutes of silence, "Daddy?"

"Mmm?" I lean down, kissing his cheek.

"When will you be back?" His hands clench around thin air. When he realizes I'm not anywhere near him anymore, he moves his hold to the pillow I was laying on and hugs it to his own chest. I beam at him."

"Couple hours," I say, "Will you be a good boy?"

He nods his head eagerly, finally peeking his eyes at me, "Good boys get treats. Right?"

I don't answer him, but I go up and tighten his collar around his neck, "You belong to me. You always will belong to me."

Alex nods, "You."

"Goodbye." I kiss his cheek again, pulling on the final choice to my outfit; a suit jacket. Alexander smiles lightly, pulling me down and kissing my lips. I don't let him go any further as I push away and job out of the apartment.


I turn down the corner to the Starbucks, seeing the people crowding around in outside and the couples having breakfast there. I walk fast, but not too fast to seem too eager. I walk into the store itself more slowly, telling the barista who I am. She refers me to her boss, who refers me to another room where we can hold the interview.

The room he leads me into isn't completely isolated, but the cold slam of the door behind me gives me goosebumps.

I look at the man, taking in his features. He has a smaller, but slightly larger frame than mine. His hair is slicked back, but not nearly as long as Alexander's. I smile at him politely, thinking about how Alexander would be hissing if he saw me do this. 

"Yes, hi. Thomas Jefferson?" He holds out his hand, which I shake, "I'm James Renyolds. I am the manager of this Starbucks."

"Yes, I have heard great things about you." That was a lie.

"Oh, really?" He raises an eyebrow, "From who?"

"The baristas." I mutter quietly, somehow finding no faith in myself to continue. James must've sensed how I felt,  because he moved onto the next question after staring at me for a while. I think about how jealous Alex would be again.

"Have you had any previous job experiences?"

"Yes," I reply, "I've worked at fast food places, but no major job. I am attending NYU."

James nods, writing something down. When he looks back up, a curious look dances across his face. I look away.

James asks me a few more questions about Starbucks, my experience, and why I want the job. I answer them as truthfully as I can, without telling him I'm dirt poor. At the end of the interview, he stands up again and holds his hand out.

I stand up, giving him my hand. He shakes it.

"Thank you," James lets go of my hand, "I will give you a call or email when I have made a decision."

I nod tentatively and turn to leave the room. 

I hear his breathing behind me as I close the door. It slams shut again. I give a small wave to the baristas, then leave the coffee shop smell behind me as quick as I can.

Back on the NYC streets, I head to my dorm faster than needed. I pull open the door fast, maybe way too excited to see Alexander.

"I did it!" I exclaim, "I might be getting a job!"

No voice, no noise.

"Alexander?" I ask, my voice jumping a small bit.

When he doesn't answer, I go to the bedroom and pull the covers back from the bed. No Alexander. I pull open the closet doors and look under the bed, tossing aside the falling sheets. No Alexander.

"Alex?" I scream, "Get out!"

No answer.


i dont know how they interview at starbucks leave me alone

also i'm on thanksgiving break now i actually love america right now, like thank you so much i need this

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