twenty-five; a new girl + the bakery [edited]

424 16 11

[this chapter is where everything turns to shit, so that's definitely fun.]

the kennedy center performances were beautiful. i cried ❤️❤️

alex's pov

"Shut up," I tell my mind as I watch the door close. I'm standing in the kitchen with my back resting against one of the counters. It isn't quite comfortable though, the counter digs into my back. I step away from the counter. 

I'm used to the quiet dorm.

Usually, I wake up while up with the apartment still quiet and then I eat breakfast. Today I woke up to find Daddy in the kitchen, on his phone.

I took it from him and forced him to make me breakfast.

He left and didn't make me breakfast as I wanted. I still had his phone hidden in my hoodie pocket.

I took it out, pressing the button and watching it turn on. There was a screen with the date and time on it. In the background was a photo of his dad. It was from one of the pictures I saw in the photo album he had.

I didn't want to think about that time.

I hit the button to turn it on again and a new screen came up with numbers. I hit all the numbers for my birthday and the screen disappeared and opened up to a random text message with someone. I put the phone down, bored already.

Making myself breakfast was nearly the only thing I could do, then sleep until Daddy got home. I never had a problem with sleeping for long periods of time.

Reaching into the cabinet, I grabbed a bowl and took milk from the fridge. He left cereal on the table. I poured it in like I had seen Francis do so many times and began to eat it. 

Except, I didn't know where Daddy kept the spoons.

So I had to eat it with my hands.

It wasn't very hard, I was half cat after all. 

Finishing my last bite after twenty minutes of picking out small lifesavers from a pool of milk rewarded me with a knock on the door. 

I stood up to answer the door, without looking through the peephole first.

The only people who ever knocked on Daddy's door was Aaron, Theodosia, or himself when he lost the key and I was the only one in the dorm.

That day was fun.

I didn't let him in for another hour.

He didn't make me dinner that day and made me sleep on the couch without his warmth, but the day was fun either way. For once, he was the one begging me for something instead of me begging him for sex.

I open the door.

A girl, much taller than me, stands on the other side. I look down and take note of her heels.

"Can I help you?" I ask her quietly, pulling my hoodie over my ears. They were down so she most likely didn't see them and either way, it didn't look like I was going to be very happy about her appearance at the dorm.

"Yeah," She slid down the doorway like a stripper, "Have you seen Thomas?"

"Slut," I mumbled under my breath and then said to her, "He's not here right now. Come again in twenty years? Okay, bye." I began to close the door, but she placed her hand. It caught the door before I could slam it shut and she instead threw it open.

I sighed, ashamed of how weak I had gotten. I used to be stronger!

"When will he be back?" The slut asked me, closing the door behind her. I squirmed in my spot, trying to resist the urge to punch her.

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