eleven; michael the spider + old memories [edited]

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thomas' pov

"Where the fuck have you been?" I snap, my eyes narrowed at his thin, round face. I'm holding both his hands over his head. I'm leaning down to look straight at his face, but he can barely touch the floor with his toes. Behind him, the bland hallway wall bores me.

Alex squirms in my hold, but he can't get out of it, "I-I was looking for spiders." He whispers.

"Are you serious?" I whisper harshly, letting go of his hands. Alex can't catch his balance fast enough though, and he falls to the hallway ground with a thud. Automatically, he hides his face.

"I found one," His voice is low and raspy, "I named it after my second favorite person."

"Why not your first?" I go on a knee in front of him.

"You..." Alex's voice trails off for a few seconds, "You probably don't want another Thomas Hamilton in the house, do you?" He peeks a look at me, which must present him with my beaming face.

"Yeah," I answer, picking him up in my arms, "Thomas Hamiltons' are annoying as hell."

Alex whimpers, slipping his arms around my neck and tightening them like he thinks he might fall or I might drop him, "I love Thomas Jeffersons'." He mumbles to me, then points to the bag he had placed on the floor before he knocked on my dorm door, "The spider is in there."

I drop him.

Of course, though, I don't really. He hangs from my neck with his hands around my neck. Then he lets go and falls to the ground, but he doesn't fall at first.

"Are you serious?" I whisper.

"Yeah, of course," Alexander replies, opening the bag. He pulls a plastic container out from inside. I shudder at the sight of a large, raven-colored spider. Alex smiles at nothing, grabbing the lid and taking it off. The spider crawls into his hand.

"So... you're afraid of the dark but not spiders?" I mumble.

"I'm not afraid of the dark!" Alex huffs, "And you're the one who's afraid of spiders."

It was true. I didn't have a very good reputation with them either though. I may have a fear of them, but killing them is also so easy. I doubt spiders really enjoy my company much. I sigh, "What did you name the spider?"


"That's a human name," I reply immediately, making my way into the dorm. Alex follows me with the spider crawling on his arm, going up and down. He has the ability to take his eyes off of it, which is impressive.

"And?" He snaps harshly.

I put my hands up defensively, not answering.

Alex sits down at the bar table I have in the dorm, letting Micheal crawl all over the counter. At one point he begins crawling up the cheap, crappy toaster and Alexander grimaces. He grabs Michael, placing him back on the counter.

"He's a little bit big, don't you think?" I ask.

"I've seen bigger," Alex whispers back, looking at his spider-like he is Michael's father.

"Are you hungry?" I change the subject, looking at Alexander. He's very skinny, his stomach nearly invisible. I don't like how skinny he is, but I know he's at least healthy.

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