twenty-one; aaron dies + new people [edited]

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thomas' pov

"Would you be sad if I died?" Aaron asks me over the phone one day. I'm studying and he's on speaker. Alex listens intently as he sits on the floor between my legs. I look down at him and he looks up at me, then I glance away and look to my phone.

"Yes," I sigh, "Yes, I would be quite sad. You seem to be the only person I know who's able to deal with my bullshit."

I hear Aaron's heavy breathing over the phone for a few seconds before he draws a breath in and speaks, "I don't know how or why. You intrigue me. Especially now with that boy always by your side."

Alex tenses underneath me and rests his cheek on one of my legs. I take my left hand and run it through his loose hair a few times, "Why do I intrigue you?"

My friend doesn't skip a beat with his answer, "You never care about anything," He pauses, "Except now. You care about Alexander now."

I snort, letting go of Alex's hair and bringing it back to my paper, "Alex is different than everyone I've dated before," Alex turns to look at me, "He's sweeter and kinder. He's prettier and isn't a petty and fragile girl who can't handle being played with." I watch my cat's face turn a dark red color.

Aaron is silent.

He's silent for so long, I began thinking maybe he left the room to hold his head for a while and wrestle his headache away. I think he may have covered his ears and screamed into a pillow, trying not to listen to me.

A few minutes after those thoughts, his silky voice floats through the microphone, "Do you miss your previous... relationship partners?"

I almost laugh, "There's no need to be formal," My finger lingers over a word on my study sheet, "I don't miss any of them. Eric was shit. He loved me too much and believed we would get married. Clingy bitch. Eliza was my distraction from that and all she could do was have sex that didn't even satisfy me at the very end."

"I liked Eliza," Aaron muttered quietly.

"She was literally the girl I used to cheat on Eric."

"I still liked her," Aaron whispered.

"She was literally the sluttiest girl you've ever met," I deadpanned, "She asked you for a nice fuck when I left you with her for five minutes."

"Okay, but her jokes were hilarous."

"They were all sex jokes."


I hang up on him, without a sheepish feeling anywhere in my mind. Alexander stays in the position he is and we carry on with whatever we're doing for a very long time. I wonder if he's thinking about the Eliza and Eric situation. I wonder if he's thinking about how we met Eliza on an elevator. I wonder where Eliza is and I wonder why she even talked to me. I wonder all these things for so long and then-

"Daddy?" Alex taps my knee and kneels in front of me.

I pat his head and nod, asking him mutely what he wanted.

"How come I don't know anyone?"

I put my pencil down, and look at him, "What do you mean?"

"I have lived in the same dorm for a while now, I have no friends, and you're the only person who cares about me." His face falls and he leans on my leg, which doesn't hurt me much because of his lightweight body. I examine him. His ears are down and his tail sits in between his legs.

"Aaron cares about you..." I trail off, "I think."

Alex's ears flatten and he gets off my leg, "I'm leaving." He stands up and shoves his hood over his head. I think about telling him it's not necessary since the color of his ears match the color of his hair. When he's sad, you can't even tell the cat part of him exists.

I shake my head, "You're so small, you look like a teenager. Have fun getting kidnapped."

Alex crosses his arms and pouts, "I'm not small!"


He looks about one second away from slapped me when I finally hug him and he collapses into my arms, "Can I meet new people?" He asks, his voice muffled from the material of my shirt.

I nod mutely, "If you want. It's not like I have many friends though, sweetheart."

I look down at Alex for an answer but he doesn't look like he'll be answering me anytime soon. He fell asleep. Lazy cat.


did the title throw anyone off

aaorn never died, sorry aaron-haters. 

yes, there has been aaron haters. i don't understand.

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