seven; punishments + pleas and apoligizes [edited]

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published this once before i was done



Nearly as soon as we stepped into the dorm, Daddy pushed me against the floor, biting my neck. I purred softly, then began to whine. He harshly pulled my skin up before letting go, "You like that, yeah?" I nodded fast as he put a finger to his lips, "Stay quiet. We don't want to have any of our neighbors hearing..."

His voice trailed off as I whimpered and thrashed around underneath him.

Daddy lowered back down, biting my neck and face all over as he slipped both of our shirts off. I suddenly felt very self conscious without my shirt and I tried to cover my stomach with my hands, but he pinned them above my head, "Beautiful kitten." He mumbled against my lips.

I whined again, trying to release myself from his grasp.

A few moments later, Daddy finally let go of my wrists. I moved them to around his neck, but I wasn't fast enough. He had already gone down to take off the grey and black sweatpants I was wearing, "I-I'm sorry." I mumbled out, just enough for him to hear.

I watched his face as his eyebrows raised, "Now you're sorry?" He asked harshly, pulling off the sweatpants and my boxers easily.

"Mm," I hummed quietly, trying to reach him, "Daddy..." I whispered underneath my breath. He kissed me softly, showing a sweet side for the first time in the punishment. I hadn't seen the punishment part of it yet, actually. That made me nervous.

He kissed my tip, which made me whine.

"Shh." He hushed me again, beginning to suck. He had never given me a blowjob before, but he was really good at it. I closed my eyes, listening to him. Daddy didn't seem to have a gag reflex though, as he sucked on me mercilessly for a good five minutes.

"D-Daddy." I whispered, tears welling at my eyes for seemingly no reason.

He pulled off me, a questioning look, "Yes?"

"Can-Can I-"

"No," He whispered, flicking me. I whimpered, realizing this was my punishment, "Bad kittens don't get to cum."

"B-But..." I began to fight against it, but he had already pulled me up and kissed my lips. I was still hard and it ached to be touched, to be swallowed, to be stroked. I whimpered into Daddy's lips, tears falling down my face carelessly. He smiled.

"Come on now," Daddy whispered, getting up with ease, "Let's have dinner," He held out a hand for me, which I glady took. I fell back down onto the floor. He chuckled darkly and leaned down, "Sore?"

I nodded silently, letting him pick me up. I fell asleep in Daddy's arms, because cats fall asleep fast. He kissed my forehead softly, not saying anything more.


i never know what to write after smut. what do you want to see? like what kind of kinks, plot twists, you know. what do you want me to do with this?

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