three; attention + whiskers on kittens [edited]

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thomas' pov

Aaron decides the best thing to do so I don't feel left out in the blossoming romance between Theodosia and him is to be ignored. It doesn't bother me though, I have better things to do than worry about my friendships.

"Thomas," George Washington nudges me, "Pay attention." I look back at his perfectly square face and bald head. He has a face that always looks like he's blushing, but his mouth is always a straight narrow line indicating his anger and practically the entire multiverse.

"I am," I whisper back to him. George doesn't respond, but when I look back at him, he rolls his eyes at me. I roll my eyes playfully back. 

Half an hour later, the class seems to have been going on for years and years. George no longer notices my longing glances at him to talk to me as the lecture continues on. Instead, he focuses his attention on his notes and if I try to speak, he holds up a finger like my mother used to do. He makes me sick.

Finally, I give up and take my phone from my pocket. I turn it on, going straight to my text messages.

I text Aaron.

where are you? i'm bored. james found it amusing to ignore me.

I get a proper, splendid, terrible response moments later.

top row, left side.

I turn my head to where he instructed, finding him way too easily. A girl with long black hair pulled into a bun sits next to Aaron, who has no hair to display. They're making out. I gag on the nail I'm chewing and turn back around to the lecture.

Maybe it's best if I pay attention instead.


After class, I'm met with the devastating walk of loneliness.

Aaron walked back to his own dorm with Theodosia, leaving me to do whatever I wanted. I decided to do the only thing I was able to achieve being lonely; jogging.

As soon as my feet touched the floor of my dorm, I went straight to my bedroom and changed. It was around the same time I had left the week before to go to the bookstore. The cold air hit me as soon as I stepped back out of my dorm, but the effect left me soon.

I didn't bring my earbuds like I did last time, but it's okay.  This way, I get the best view of everything around me until I reach my desired destination; the bookstore.

"Hello." I wave to the cashier before going back to the aisle I was in merely a week before.

"Good to see you again." I hear her sweet voice waver to my ears as I walk away and turn into the aisle.

I look down right away, but no one sits with their back on the bookshelf 

I search for a book, taking such a long time I'm surprised the shop owner hasn't come over to ask if I need help finding something. Maybe it has been twenty minutes or maybe thirty, but it doesn't matter.

All I needed to hear was that little, soft, sweet voice.

"You're here again." Wafts into my ear, practically making me melt on the spot. I jump, turning around to face the voice.

"Alex!" I yelled, hugging him. Multiple people, including Alex, shush me. In fact, Alex pulls away and covers my mouth with his hand.

"Francis doesn't like it when I make friends with people. I don't like cheating on people, although Francis cheats on me a lot." Alex mutters to me, smiling softly. I look down at him, not daring to hide my confusion at all.

"Who is Francis?" I wonder aloud.

"My boyfriend," Alex answers immediately, then adds, "He taught me to say that whenever anyone asked. I used to call him just a friend."

I'm silent, about to speak. He beats me to it.

"Do you know what a boyfriend is? Francis never explained it to me. Anyway, I talk a lot. Francis doesn't like that. He says I'm not allowed to speak unless I'm spoken to. I'm Alex, by the way."

"I'm Thomas." I finally decide on saying, reaching out my hand. He shakes them, then turns away.

"We're not friends, by the way. Don't tell Francis I spoke to you. He wouldn't like that, but it's okay. He's just overprotective."

I nod my head carefully.

~present time~

alex's pov

"And that's how we met," Daddy concludes, pulling me close into his chest. I breathe softly, trying to forget about the memories of Francis swirling through my mind, "You're a cute kitten." He praises me, probably sensing my sensitive state.

I purr into his chest, curling up further, "Let's go eat dinner at Starbucks."

Daddy is quiet for a long time after that. I'm about to get up to see if he's awake, but he stops me, "Cats always want to eat. Let's go."

I glance at the clock on his nightstand and see a large, red, digital number form of the numbers twelve and two zero's. In the middle is a dotted line. I look up at Daddy and his yawning face, then kiss his cheek.

"Thank you." I mumble when I get close enough to his ear.

"For what, kitty?" He asks me when I'm back to my normal height and not standing on the tip of my toes.

"Everything. You saved me. You are my savior." I smile softly at him, but try to avoid the blush that's daring to sneak up onto my cheeks.

Daddy kisses my nose, not hiding the light pink blush on his own cheeks. I smile at it, and he blushes even more. I beam and he looks at me with knowing eyebrows. I can't get him to blush anymore.

He holds my hand as we walk out into my night, squeezing it whenever he feels it's too quiet. The world around us seems to have stopped, even standing in a New York City college with New Yorkers as students, everything seems quiet.

"Do I disappoint you, Daddy?" I ask him, as we walk through the campus courtyard.

He looks down at me, the streetlights on campus lighting up his face, "No. You. Are. Perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better kitten."

I turn around and force my face into his arm, meowing a bit loudly.


i want the next chapter to be smut

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