twenty-four; empty ramen aisle + sleepy [edited]

427 18 15

thomas' pov

"I'm leaving." I patted Alex's head and he jumped away from whatever daze he was in and looked up at me from his seat next to barstool chair. He was hugging one of the chair legs and I couldn't decide if his position made him look more like a cat or a toddler.

"No..." Alex whined, standing up. He was small, barely up to my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head and tried to leave a hand on it once and he slapped the hand away.

"Yes," I countered, "Bye-bye now," I turned around to leave, but a familiar person scratched at my back. Turning around, I stared at Alexander and asked one simple question, "Why aren't you being a good boy, hmm?"

Alex looked away at those words, his face flushing a red color as he looked away and stared at the wall.

I sighed, putting my hands on his face and forcing him to look at me. He caught my glance and I gave him a firm glare because he hadn't answered my question yet. Finally, Alex took my hands away and mumbled softly, "I don't wanna stay here. Can I go with you?"

I blinked a few times in surprise, "I'm just going to buy food, sweetie," He whimpered lightly and I realized I shouldn't have downplayed his worrying, "Hey, it's okay. Come on, wear something to keep you warm and to... y'know." I was referring to hide his ears and tail.

Alexander nodded mutely and went to my room.

He came back a few moments later with my hoodie, which went down to his knees, and tight jeans. I cooed because he looked so adorable and he kicked me in the shins, "Let's go."

"Of course," I laughed childishly and grabbed him by the collar as we walked out of our dorm. He stumbled along beside me, trying to get free of my grip, but it was strong, "I should get you a leash, shouldn't I? I wouldn't want my pet to be wandering around without me."

"I'm not your pet." Alex defended weakly and we got in the elevator.

"And what does the collar signify?" I press the floor we need and watch the doors close.

"Fashion... purposes," Alex decides after a while. The doors slide open and he reaches out for my hand. I let him take it, although I make sure he knows I don't really care if he chooses not to, "How long will this take?" He asks when we're merely a block away from the college.

"Probably around an hour."

He gasps and his hold on my hand tightens. I finally take the effort to squeeze his hand in return until he has a softer hold, "That's a long time!" He tells me.

I scoff, "You only find that hard to believe because you sleep every thirty minutes."

"You keep me up at night." He mumbles, his small legs struggling to keep up with my large strides as we can see the grocery store in the near distance. I begin to walk faster, holding his hand lightly as he stumbles along.

I look up at the store a block away from us, "Doing what?"

Alex pauses and then, "You breathe heavily. And you hold me like I'm a teddy bear, not your pet. Sometimes your hands rest on my hips or stomach or neck and you feel my collar. It's hard to sleep at night with pedophile hands all over you!"

"I'm not a pedophile, you're an adult who gave consent."

"I didn't want to be your pet!" He grumbles as we reach the store.

I ignore his behavior and walk into the store.

"Hi, lady!" Alexander yells to an employee. It occurs to me he hasn't really been outside much and Francis definitely didn't let him interact with anyone. He is a very social cat, although he doesn't quite understand conversations and when not to try to start them. 

I poke his side.

"Hey, I like your hat!" Alex says to a boy walking back. They're the same height and I almost laugh because the kid looks about sixteen. The hat he's wearing is a Pokemon hat with Pikachu on the front.

"Alexander shut the hell up," I say after a few more awkward interactions.

"Mm, okay." He mutters.

I nod approvingly and keep shopping for my food. I pick up fruits and salads, which is some of the only things I can afford. I go into the aisle where Ramen is and find the aisle is empty. That is a relief.

"Dad-" Alex's voices cuts off and he sleepily grabs my waist, the part he can reach without having to raise his hand.

"Don't call me that," I answer, getting some Ramen, "I'm not your father and I don't want to be."

"My father left me!" He says, unusually happy. I know it's sarcasm, but I can't help but hear the sadness laced in his voice. It sits alongside the happiness and sarcasm like clouds on an empty sheet of blue sky in the summertime.

"I'm sorry." I lift his head up and his lip quivers. I kiss his lips and they stop after I give him a few more lingering kisses.

"M'tired." He stirs his words when I'm done kissing him, his head riding into my stomach. I sigh and look at him fall asleep. His hold slowly becomes less strong by the moment and he ends up pooled at my feet.

Carefully, I place the Ramen in the cart and reach down for him.

Alex makes another stirring noise, but he isn't awake fully. I hold him to my body like he's a baby. His legs straddle my waist and his head falls over my shoulder, tucked into my neck. He really isn't very heavy so I carry him with one hand.

I keep this until we get back to our house and I've put all the food away; which doesn't take long considering I'm broke.

I rest on the couch with Alex still in my lap.

"Baby boy, wake up." I know how much he loves it when I call him that.

"No." His voice is stubborn, but it comes out shakily and full of tiredness. He yawns against my shoulder and I pat his back.

"Be a good boy for me."

He rubs his eyes and looks at me. I smile happily and lead him into a kiss. He pulls away, catching his fast breath in small pants, "Daddy?" He asks softly, resting back on my shoulder in the same position as before.


"I love you."

"Love you more."


merry christmas!

i hope everyone reading this has an amazing christmas. i love all of you <3

[yes, happy april fools day now. i really procrasinated on editing this, huh?]

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