thirty; i love you + the end [edited]

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one week later  / alex's pov

I roll around, facing Daddy. He's still asleep, drooling on the pillow like a child. The collar around my neck pushes itself away from my skin and I know it left a mark, just like it always did. It would go away after a few hours, but the next day it would be back if I slept.

Something tugs on my collar and I fall back onto the bed, giggling. Strong arms wrap around my waist and I smile warmly.

"I can't believe you left me..." He mumbles, pushing his face into my shoulder.

"It's not my fault," I huff, "You act like I left because I hated you."

He lifts his head up and bites my neck. I stifle a moan and he speaks, "You don't hate me?"

"I could..." I think about my next words very carefully, chewing my lip and letting my hands nervously tighten around the hem of the oversized short I slipped on last night, "I could never hate you."

A random tear falls onto my shoulder.

I turn around, surprised. He's crying because of something I said for the first time, not the other way around.

"Thomas?" I ask. This is one of the only times I've ever called him by his name to his face.

He smiles back, tears still falling down his face, "God, I'm so lucky to have you." He suddenly proclaims.

I nod vigorously and hug him. My tail thumps against the sheets and my ears go up at his warmth.

"I'm going to fall back asleep," I whisper, "I love you, you know?"

"I..." He hugs me tighter, "Never leave again, Princess."

I shrug, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

the end

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