eight; third wheeling + the closet [edited]

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i love that this book has no plot, don't you?


thomas' pov

"I have to go?" Alex wonders again as if he still wants me to confirm it to him. I rub his ears, looking at the TV blaring a random news station in front of us. Alex shoves my hand away, looking at me.

"You have to go," I say harshly, placing my palm on his head and turning his face around. Like a good kitten, he stares at the TV for another five minutes before I check my watch and realize that night is closing in behind us, "We should go before it's completely dark. You're scared of the dark, aren't you?"

Alexander's head snaps around, his ears pointing up sharply, "I am not scared of the dark! I am scared of being alone-" His voice cuts off.

I rub his head with my palm again, pulling the kitten up by his hoodie and leaving the apartment with his hand in mine. He is so self-conscious about it; he looks at me every few seconds like he doesn't know if what he is doing is right or not.

"It's dark," I mumble underneath my breath, looking out the window. Alex whimpers.

"Why do we have to go to dinner this late anyway?" He asks me, a few paces behind since I have longer legs and longer strides.

"Aaron and Theodora got invited to a party," I explain, "They just got back, and said they could have dinner with me after the party."

I feel him look at me from behind, examining my movements and tone of voice, "Why didn't you go to the party?" He chirps from behind me. When I don't answer and keep walking, he pokes my back.

He pokes me eight times before I turn around and kiss him. He's out of breath and panting from trying to keep up with me, but he accepts the kiss and chews my bottom lip as I pull away, "Because, I had to stay with my pet." I respond to Alex, tightening my grip on his hand.

Alex hums, which is a habit of his, and keeps following behind me like a good kitten. I sigh painfully, mostly pushing the pain towards myself, and turn the corner down the hall, "Are you mad at me?" Alex asks as I hurry to their dorm.

"No," I answer harshly, "I could never be mad at you."

Alex is silent. I knock on the door to their dorm. Both of us are silent for a little bit before Aaron comes to answer the door. He throws it open, with his arms wide out. When none of us do anything, he does it again and waits for one of us to hug him.

Alex hugs him first, taking Aaron's arms and wrapping them around his small figure. Aaron glares at me, hugging Alex harder. It looks hilarious, Alex goes up to his shoulders. Aaron smiles, "At least one of the people you surround yourself with is nice."

I walk into his dorm, rudely pulling Alex away from Aaron by his arm, "Don't touch my property." Alex giggles, nuzzling his face into my arm.

Theodosia comes out from a hallway, smiling at us, "Thomas!" She exclaims, "It's been a while," She notices Alex, her smile falling and turning into confusion, "And who might that be?" I hold Alexander closer as she walks over to us and looks at Alex. They're around the same height.

"I'm Alex," Alex introduces himself, then gestures to me, "We're friends."

"Friends?" Theodosia raises an eyebrow at our position; with his face in my arm and his hands wrapping around it as well. When no one answers her, she shrugs and points to the table, "Well, don't just stand there! Let's eat. It's such an honor to have you two over."

Alex hums and leans over to me, laying his head on my shoulder once again as we sit at the table. Theodosia continues eyeing us, but Aaron sits down and ignores it. He's used to it by now, I believe.

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