finished/goodbye (a/n)

349 13 1

april 3, 2019

alright, i went on a final adventure and whizzed through the last ten chapters. i'm done editing this book, which takes it off my schedule for working on and updating.

thank you, everyone, for reading!

i'm sad this book is ending since it's important to me in many ways. either way, i am glad as well. it helps make me less busy. 

i appreciate everyone, whether you are a silent reader or you vote and comment, i love you so much for even giving this book a chance.

i hope you loved it, sincerely.

thank you for giving this book a chance, even though i know i would never click on a neko story myself. well, i guess now i've written one! i love it, but this will probably remain my only read neko book. 

i love all of you <3

have a good day!

thank you,


Neko // Jamilton // Hamilton ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora