48| Ambivalent

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having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
"some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her"


Jo: Trust me. I don't want you to EVER leave. Ella it's just—-why stay with him? He's terrible to you.

E: I love him Jonah....it's like I am metal and he is a magnet....I can't pull away.

Jo: Ella we don't want you out of our life, we love you. You know that but, you have a big choice to make...

E: I—I know. Im going to go home...and check on him.

Jo: El he may not—-

E: I don't care....I don't feel right not knowing if he is okay or not.

Jo: Ok....but....

E: An hour.

Jo: Got it.

I walked out and practically ran home.

I knew how hard Jonah had punched Daniel I needed to make sure....


I walked into our bedroom and saw him on the floor with blood next to him.

I quickly called Jonah and held a cloth to stop the blood.

Jonah and the guys rushed over and brought him to the car.

I held Daniels head on my lap as Jonah drove apologizing non stop.

D: E-el—

E: Daniel shhh. It's gonna be ok

D: I—I a-a-m- s-so so—rr—y-y...I l-o-v-e yo-u

E: It's okay. I love you too Daniel. Save your strength.

He closed his eyes.

E: No don't you dare Daniel Seavey. Don't do this to me!

Jonah pulled up at the hospital.

Tears fell down my face.

Zach held me back from running after Daniel on the stretcher.

I cried in Zach's arms and rocked me back and forth trying to calm me.

He couldn't leave me.

He can't, I need him. I can't have this baby without him. It won't be the same. It can't be.


I was in the dark...

...I looked around I saw Ella....

....holding a baby. No. Two babies....

I walked to her to see she had a boy and a girl.

The girl had my blue eyes and Ellas smile and the boy had Ellas eyes and my smile.

Ella looked at me and pulled them away from me. Her eyes stared into my soul.

D: My love...they are beautiful.

I smiled. I hope this is our future.

E: They aren't yours Daniel.

No. She wouldn't

D: Wh-what?

No. It's not real

E: Not since I left you. You don't get them Daniel. You don't get to treat them like you treated me....

No. I'll be better

D: My love please don't leave me.....please

No. Don't give up

E: It's been one to many mistakes Daniel.

She gave up. I made her give up.

I saw her disappear.

I feel my body being moved.

My hair was being played with...my eyes opened slowly.

I was in the bus and I looked up and saw Ella....

D: E-el—

I tried to say more but I couldn't get the words out they were stuck....

E: Daniel shhh. It's gonna be ok

D: I—I a-a-m- s-so so—rr—y-y...I l-o-v-e yo-u

E: It's okay. I love you too Daniel. Save your strength.

It wasn't okay.

I wasn't okay.

My eyes closed again


I fell asleep.

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