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jack led corbyn into nurse maggie's office. her office was the nicest office in the building. there were fresh flowers on the windowsill and pretty fairy lights.

"the fairy lights are cool." corbyn spoke, trying to start up a conversation as him and jack waited for the nurse to come in.

"indeed they are."

corbyn snapped and whistles as the nurse walked into the room.

"i thought there was a bird in here." nurse maggie chuckled, giving corbyn a warm smile.

"i'm nurse maggie."

"i'm corbyn." corbyn hiccuped.

"alright boys. what brings you two here?" she asked as she sat at the desk in front of the boys.

"well, just about five minutes ago, corbyn and the rest of my friends were just talking in the food court and he suddenly had a panic attack." jack explained.

"have you ever had a panic attack before, corbyn?" she asked with concern.

"uh, no. frankly, i don't want to have another one." corbyn whistled quietly.

"okay. well corbyn, it sounds to me that you might be showing symptoms of a panic disorder. then again, this could have been a one time thing. what i was thinking—"

"fuck me!" corbyn screamed.

"uh, sorry. that doesn't happen often." corbyn sunk into his seat.

jack patted the blonde's shoulder.

"that's alright sweetie. as i was saying, i think we should put you on some meds for a week and see if that helps just to be safe."

corbyn nodded.

nurse maggie then left the room to grab the pills.

"that was a little explicit, don't you think?" jack teased the boy.

"shut up. that doesn't happen a lot. i didn't mean it anyway." corbyn put his head in his hands, pulling one off to snap quickly.

jack just chuckled a bit as he admired the boy until the nurse came back.

"alright, corbyn. here are the pills. you take one at night and one in the morning."

"alright, thank you."

"have a good day boys." she politely smiled.

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