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the three best friends, jack, jonah, and daniel, were able to convince the nurses to let zach out of his room. after all , he would only be going a few rooms down to corbyn's.

"alright corbs, i'm gonna carry you to your room, so you're gonna have to grab onto me okay?" jonah asked as he set his hands under corbyn's back and legs.

corbyn nodded as he held onto jonah for dear life, his eyes still closed.

"let's go." jack spoke, holding the door open for everyone else, allowing them to exit.

as the boys walked into corbyn's room, they were met with the smell of vanilla from an oil diffuser that corbyn had had.

daniel walked over to corbyn's bed, untucking the blankets and pulling them down.

jonah smiled as he gingerly places corbyn onto his bed, tucking him in after removing his shoes.

they guys silently cooed as corbyn immediately cuddled into the covers, a small hiccup coming from his lips as he let out a content sigh.

"alright, we'll be back. we're going to the food court to get some food quick." daniel spoke.

"stay?" corbyn mumbled, keeping his red, puffy eyes closed.

"you want me to stay with you?" daniel asked softly.

corbyn did nothing, but nod. waving the guys off to go and get food, jack muttered a small 'i'll get your usual' before closing the door.

"you can lay down." corbyn mumbled almost incoherently.

daniel nodded even though corbyn couldn't see him. as he laid down under the covers, corbyn latched his arm around daniel's waist.

grabbing the remote to turn on the tv, daniel smiled to himself.

"goodnight corbs."

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