02 | oat meal

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5 years old

it was day two, and i was still sad the fact that my brother left me here with kids i don't know. mark said it was breakfast time, so we went to the canteen and was greeted with other children.

the canteen was big, it had a big area and a lot of tables that chairs were attached on it. kids who ate, some didn't and some ate as if it's their last time to.

"sit here aeri." mark patted a seat beside him, i smiled and sat beside him. and the other boys did the same.

chenle frowned deeply, and stomped his foot. "this food again?"

jisung pouted, playing with the food with his silver spoon he got on his hand. "don't they have anything else?"

donghyuck rolled his eyes, annoyed he scoffed. "why is it always the same soggy oat meal?!" he asked angrily, tightening his grip on the spoon.

"it looks poisonous." jaemin shrugged his shoulders, and without any hesitation he stuffed the spoon inside his mouth. "it stinks." jeno pinched his nose, had a disgust face on.

mark glanced at me, still smiling and it was cute. "this is our breakfast, it's not the best but at least we get to fill our stomach with it." mark pushed the bowl to me. "try it, you must be hungry."

i smiled, grabbing the spoon and looked down at the bowl. it was oat meal, it looked soggy like donghyuck said, it was grey and green-ish. it looked expired, but i am thanking them for giving me food.

"did sister nancy made this?" i asked, donghyuck scoffed-laughed. "sister nancy is sweet, not like the other sisters. she is the only angel here, and the others are evil!" donghyuck pointed at a sister, walking passed with straight body and steady face.

"it's sister lina, be quiet!" jaemin shouted whispered, ducking and thought it would hide him from her.

i knitted my eyebrows, and watch her slowly walk away. "who is she?" i asked curiously.

"she's the leader, leader sister and is in charge." jisung spoke. "yeah, but she is very evil." jeno squinted his eyes.

"mm, okay." i looked down at the food, and forcefully put my the spoon inside my mouth.

it didn't tasted good! it looked bad, but i thought it would taste good. but no, i was wrong. it tasted really bad.

i frowned, and closed my eyes tightly. my face shows an expression of not liking something, and something was that oat meal. donghyuck laughed softly at my reaction. "i know right? it tastes bad."

"mhm, but we have no choice right?" i asked frowning, looking up at the oldest. "yes, you're right we have no choice." mark frowned back. "so fill that stomach, so you won't starve later."

i nodded, doing what the oldest said. i ate and ate, tried my best not to show any expression, but failed. every time i would gulp, i would squint my eyes and coughed out of disgust.

the others did the same, they ate so they wouldn't starve.

note: so my crush keeps looking at meeeee!!! shouldn't overreact but ehem hehehe.

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