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[Heheh hi ^-^ this is my first time doing a Starring You story so.. I hope you enjoy. I don't know how well this will go ._. *Clears throat* well then, let's get this party started!! I hope this story gets alot of reads though. But lets hope for the best!! Hell yeah!]

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It was dark out side, the clouds came together making it even darker. It began to pour rain heavily. I walked out in the rain, not caring that I was getting soaked. I was walking around Iwagakure, looking for Deidara.

As you probably don't know. Me and Deidara have been friends since the age of 4. Practically best friends. I've had a crush on him every since we first met. He doesn't know yet.. And I've never gave any hints that I did.

The cold, wet, drops hit against my skin, sending chills down my spine. I stop in the middle of no where lifting my face up to the sky. I took in the smell of the fresh rain. The cold yet relaxing rain drops hitting my face.

I put my hand out, letting the rain fall into my hands, making a puddle. I don't know why but, I love when it rains. I always find myself lost in the moment. I close my eyes, enjoying nothing more but this moment.

It wasn't til' then I felt no more rain drops hitting against my skin. I slowly open my eyes seeing an umbrella hovered over me. I looked to my right to see Deidara wearing his training clothes. "You keep doing this you'll only get sick, yeah" I smiled at Deidara which he returned.

"I-I was looking for you then I got drawn into the moment.. Then I.. I- ACHOO!" I sneezed loudly, lightly rubbing my nose. Deidara scoffed wrapping his arm around me. At least keeping me a little warm. "And you're out here without an umbrella because?.." he questioned.

I shrugged looking down as we walked. As I looked up, I found myself already in his place. He told me to stand where I was while he went to get me dry clothes. He came back with an black and white kimono.

"go take a shower and put this on, yeah" Deidara commanded. I nodded taking it from him gladly. I knew Deidara's house off the top of my head. It was easy for me to find anything. I went to take a nice, warm, shower. After I was done I stepped out the shower letting the water drip off me onto the floor making a small puddle.

I dry myself off, putting on the pretty black and white kimono, tightening it around me. I cleaned up the small mess I made, exiting the bathroom putting my clothes in the basket.

I went into the living room where Deidara was waiting for me patiently.

"Come with me.. I want to show you a new piece of my art I made un" Deidara stood up, exiting the house leading the way and I followed. We stopped at a vacant area where no one was around.

He took out some of his clay molding it for a while. After he was done he opened his palm revealing, what it look like a small version of me. He threw it and it expanded, being the same size as me, like a clone.

I looked at it amazed and in awe. "Does it explode like the others?" I asked. Deidara smirked. "Katsu!" he yelled. It exploded into many cherry blossoms, and white flower petals. I smile widely putting out my hand to catch some of them.

"How did you..?" I trail off admiring his beautiful art. I always loved his art. "It's my secret yeah" he replied. I was about to tell him something when 3 people stood in front of us. Deidara grabbed me by my hand pulling me behind him.

"Who are you?" Deidara spoke harshly. "We are the Akatsuki" the shark looking guy replied with an grin. "The Akatsuki? Don't know and don't care. Now get lost, you're keeping me away from my art appreciation time" Deidara says.

"And I have to take this brat on as my partner" one of the Akatsuki members murmured. 'What is he talking about..?" I thought mentally. "Sure he's full of energy but he seems like the.. Early death type" the same guy continued. I wanted to say something but I was cut of by my sneeze.

"Oh? Seems like the beauty is sick" the fish guy said. Him being ignored the guy with the onyx eyes decided to talk. "it's our leaders orders, his talent will be useful" the Ravennete finished. Deidara looked at them surprised.

"you know about my talent? But how? Who are you? Talk!" Deidara demanded. "We know your actions with terrorist bombings, and we are also aware that you're an rogue ninja. So what exactly is your purpose?" the guy says who was in the middle between the Ravennete and fish guy.

I glared at him, wanting to do something, but I'll just get in the way. "Purpose? I don't need a purpose? I take commissions to make explosions using my.. Art" Deidara informed him. "Your art..?" the same guy, who slouched. Asked.

"yeah.." Deidara trails of letting go of my hand, taking some clay from his pouch, molding it. "Look.. Well? Such refined lines and a form that pursues a 2-dimensional def for-may. This is true art. But my art goes far beyond this as well" Deidara says, going into a rant.

"My pieces are versatile. While they hold shape, they're merely objects. But they can also explode, and when it does explode. It makes it existence more sublimed, and it finally comes full into its own! I feel the true art lives only in that flash of sublimation! TRUE ART IS AN EXPLOSION!" Deidara finishes. I cover my mouth giggling as the 3 Akatsuki members stayed silently.

"Disgusting.." the slouched guy says breaking the awkward silence. "Is he finished?" the fish guy asked. "Who knows.. Who cares.. I'll handle this" the Ravennete guy replied to his friend. He closed his eyes, opening them revealing blood red eyes.

I tensed hiding behind Deidara. The situation didn't look good. I could sense that his Kekkei genkai was powerful.. "Hmm, what's it with his eyes?" Deidara mumbled. "You want to fight?" Deidara taunted.

"If I win. You will join the Akatsuki" the Ravennete says. "That's fine. Just don't mock my art. That's what my ninjutsu is. A noble of refine art humph!" Deidara replied putting a hand behind his back.

My eyes widen as I heard the words that just came out his mouth. What if he lost?! He'd have to leave me! What will happen to me?! I tugged on Deidara's arm looking worried. "Don't worry, I won't lose [Name]" Deidara removed the strands of me hair out my face, putting it behind me ear hugging me.

"Before we start.." the Ravennete points at me. "Girl, look at me" the Ravannete commanded. I looked at him in his eyes, before I knew it, everything went blank.

That day, I woke up and Deidara was gone. I vowed to take Deidara back, no matter what obstacles the journey brings me.


Here it is! Hope you enjoyed, please comment, rate. Just be you! :} Loove you guys!!~

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