Dead Meat

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[Okay! Hi everybody sorry it has been like 12 days since I've updated but! At least it wasn't a month later eh :D?! Aheh.. Well anyways last we left off Deidara FREAKIN FINALLY came Face To Face with [Name] and we've waiting for this moment after how many chapters?..

Now what could happen? Many things could. Sasori could maybe kill her. Or tell Deidara to have no business anymore with her. MANY Possibilities here could happen. Hehe Letsmget to the story!!! By the way. Warning ahead of time. This isn't edited..]


"KATSU!" we both say at the same time. Our art, both ges off at the same time, creating an big explosion. As the smoke cleared away, Deidara stood there shock. "What the?..." Deidara mutters.

I take off my annu mask, smiling at his reaction. "Hello Deidara" I greeted. Deidara's eyes instantly went wide. "[N-Name]?.." Deidara trailed off. "You know this girl?" the slouched puppet master asked. Deidara nodded slowly, still speechless.

Deidara began to slowly approach me. "Oh brat! Don't act so stupid! She's the enemy!" the slouched guy hissed at Deidara. Deidara stops a few feet away from me. They think I'm an enemy huh? My heart was beating so fast right now. Slowly I take off my weapons pouch and throw it onto the ground. Along with my katana and clay pouch, also tossing it to the ground.

"I'm not an enemy..." I tell the slouched guy. I then looks towards Deidara. "I.. Searched for year's looking for you Deidara.. And I finally found you" I murmured softly. "Please come back-" the puppet master cut me off.

"Get lost girl. Or I'll kill you" the guy threatened. I frown slightly. "[Name].. I'm sorry. I can't be with you.." Deidara says. "Well let me come with you! I'll do anything! I can't let you go again!" I was about to take a step forward but the man next to Deidara spat some needles at me.

{(Deidara's POV)}

[Name] was about to walk towards me but Sasori no Danna spat some of his poisonous needles at her. Before they could touch her I quickly get in front of her, hitting each needle that came at us with my kunai. Soon Sasori no Danna stopped. I could tell he was glaring at me through his puppet.

"What are you doing brat?!" Sasori no Danna asked. "Don't hurt her.. Maybe we can take her to the base and Leader sama will let her stay!" I say, trying to persuade him. "No" Sasori deadpanned.

"Leader sama won't approve for it" Sasori no Danna adds on. I smack my teeth frowning. "We won't know unless we try! It isn't like she'll try to attack us, un!" I utter. Sasori stayed quiet, looking at [Name]. [Name] walks towards Sasori slowly. She puts her arms out towards him. "You can hand cuff me if it eases your suspicions.." [Name] mutters.

Sasori hovers his hands over her wrists. I walk up towards them, worried if Sasori would try to do something to her. Chakra strings wraps around her wrists, shining a light blue. "She's your responsibility until we get to leader sama" Sasori warns.

I nod. "hmph" Was all Sasori said before leading the way. I walk along side with [Name] staring at her. She looks up at me blushing and smiling. "What?" she asked. "You haven't aged a bit, un" I say. I was honestly happy to see her.. After three years now?

I was glad to see her smile. Her presence. I was happy to her her voice. Hopefully Leader sama let's her stay. I look up at the sky. That's probably impossible though. Hidan brung a woman to the base and she disrespected Konan and Leader sama then she got killed.. Then Hidan got the Almighty Push. I shake my head at the thought.

*End Of POV*

I look up at Deidara, seeing him in deep thought. But then something also came to my mind.. Hakuzu. "Deidara" I call, snapping him out his trance. "Hm?"

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