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[OMG HII GUYS!!! :D Well as you know Deidara, Hakuzu, and [Name] are FINALLY ALL BACK TOGETHER! Glad I didn't kill off Hakuzu huh ;)? I love you to much to do that right then and there! It was to early for him to go though ):

So how will they go as life drives them? What will happen?! I don't know either honestly XD We must see! See! See! Yanno?! And I couldn't think of a better chapter title! Haha you just see one plain word. Moment XD! Well let's get started though! Won't keep ya up here for long and i'm sure you're trying to get down there to the story ^ - ^]

I sigh, looking at the wall in deep thought. Yes I am happy i'm with Deidara, Yes I am happy I still have Hakuzu. Now that I have them both I don't know what to do now. I've got what I wanted but now where do I start? What will we do now? 

I think back yesterday when we escaped from what we thought was Pein and Sasori. I smirk to myself. That damn Uchiha. I never thought he'd do that. I thought I passed out. Yet how do he put me in a genjutsu so fast? How come I didn't see those Sharingan eyes?.. How did he cast it? No wonder he didn't use Sixth Paths Of Pain.. 

But i'm glad they help us escape before the actual Pein came after us. Watch when I tell that Ducklet Sasuke I seen his brother! Ha I even fought him and managed to get two wind bullets in him! Oh yes.. Watch when I see Sasuke again.

I'll brag for sure about it. I sat up from my layed position stretching. Deidara went out to get food and Hakuzu was meditating. So I had to stay quiet. I quietly get off the bed, making my way over to a wooden desk that had two books and a pencil by them with a lamp shining over them.

I approach the desk picking up the blue book that had Art written over it. I open it to the first page, flipping through multiple pages that had drawings of his art work and master pieces to his explosion that had a description of each explosions.

I then came across one that caught my eye. A perfect drawing of me from head to toe. I was wearing a very short Kimono that looked as if it had been cut some inches above my knees, and leggins that stopped a few centimeters above my knee. 

My hair was in a ponytail and I had my arms out shoulder length. I flip to the page before it and seen another drawing of me. I've seen it before... But where?... I think for a while until it came back. "That's right.. The day Deidara showed me his new piece of art that resembled me..." I trailed off quietly.

I then look towards an orange note book, grabbing that one. I open it to the first page, which had words written on it. Quickly I flip through the rest of the book seeing the same. Must be his journal.. I then went to the first page, curious of what he had put in it.

'Dear diary!.. No. Sounds to girly.. Hmm.. Dear Journal! Yeah! Much better, un. Well.. this is my first time here in Akatsuki and i'm pretty bored, lonely, sad, miserable, and guilty all at once. I can't believe I lost that battle to Itachi, un! I promised [Name] i'd win.. Yet I didn't.. I miss her so much already.. My heart ached every second of the day without her.. I hope she isn't mad at me.. I was so foolish and getting ahead of myself!

I don't know how long i'll be away from her.. But I hope it isn't long. I tried asking someone was it possible but they told me it wasn't and they doubted i'd ever see her again because of how busy we'll be.. If only I could hold her in my arms again.. If only I could run my fingers through her beautiful blond her again.. Hear her voice again.. And just see her again I would do it even if I had to fight to death, un.

I really care for her.. She was the only one who admired my art and was there for me since we were little. We were put in foster care since we our parents were both gone or dead.. Hell we didn't know. They just up and left us in a blink of an eye. These bastards here are nothing but lowlife scum who doesn't know what true art is, un! 

There was then a little bit scribble before it continued.

Ahaha.. That was Sasori no Danna.. He kinda accepts my art! Anyways I gotta go, un! Just remember Diary!- I mean Journal that ART IS AN EXPLOSION AND IT ISN'T DISGUSTING-

Then a long mark went down the rest of the page. My face was probably as red as an tomato now. Seeing this.. Deidara really thought that?.. I then heard footsteps come down the stairs. I quickly close the books and sat them as they were, jumping onto the bed, looking at the staircase as Deidara came down.

He gives me an wide grin, placing bags onto a table. "Hey, un!" Deidara says happily. I giggle. "Hey Dei!" I give back the same attitude, getting off the bed and approaching him. "Well I got us some food that should last us for a while, un" Deidara says, taking out food nd beginning to put them up. I also help put them up.

"So Deidara how will we cook food?" I query. There was obviously no electionics around here that could be plugged up and- "Right here, un! The stove works perfectly, hm!" Deidara says, walking around the corner.

I gave off an puzzled look. I didn't know there was an hallway! But then again.. Since yesterday I stayed in bed, recovering and building up chakra. So I never really explored around here. Once I turn to go down the hall, I few feet away Deidara pointed to his left, before entering.

I followed him and there was a small kitchen. A table, counters, sink, stove, frigde.. "And here!-" Deidara stopped his sentence, leaving out and continuing down the hall. There was a door at the end.

He opened it and there was an room with an bed, dresser, closet, and bathroom. I look up at Deidara who was slightly blushing, scratching his cheek. "This can be your room.. I have an extra bed for you friend, un" Deidara muttered. I smile. "Thanks Deidara kun.." I mumbled, blushing doing so.

Deidara smiled at me. "Well I need to go training and appreciating my art, un!" Deidara says turning around going to walk away. "W-Wait!" I quickly grab his hand, pulling him towards me into a tight hug. "Thank you Deidara.. For not ditching me and keeping me by your side.. Thank you for not giving up on me" I whispered into his neck.

Deidara's arms slowly wrapped around me, pulling me tighter against him. Even if this was kind of breath taking, I wasn't going to ruin this moment. "No.. Thank you.. For coming after me, [Name]" Deidara whispered. A smile crept across my face. We stayed like this for a while.. 

And I wasn't letting go. That's right.. I'll never let go of you Deidara.. Because.

I love you...


:O! OH MY CLICKER TICKERS!... XD Sorry I can't help but make up weird words! But yeah! [Name] has said it mentally but will she get the guts to tell him out loud >:D?! Getting further into the story.. I wonder if Tenzo would really see [Name] again. If so.. I wonder what would happen o-o

>|< Well! Sorry Hakuzu fans.. There wasn't a Hakuzu scene or him shown in here..

>|< Haha! But it's really really cute how you guys love Hakuzu!

>|< But this chapter was mainly focused on you and Deidara and there would <-- Mistake... There WILL be much more to come ;)

>|< It's about time they've finally hugged.. I don't think they've did since they seen each other too!

>|< And I think it's obvious.. That we all know-.. Never mind.. don't want to spoil people!

>|< HALF Edited.

>|< Scanned.

>|< Puurfect?...

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